I have a newly built arcade with a 4 player deck and 6 buttons for each player and a Player 1 button, Player 2 button, Player 3 button and Player 4 button. I have Bigbox setup and working fine where player one is the very left controls, player 2 is the second controls, etc. The issue I am having is it is a 3/4 arcade so it feels more natural when only playing one player games to actually be standing at the second player buttons. Or on two player games for the first player to be at the very left controls, but the second player to be at the 3rd controls. Is there a way in bigbox to select what controls you are going to use in each game? For example, when it asks one or two players, if you hit the second player start button it uses those controls for only one player? Or if you want to player 2 player you hit the 2nd player button but then you hit another button on each controller you are going to use? Hard to explain, hope it makes sense. Thanks for the help!