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Posts posted by Wheelhouse

  1. need help with launching mame64 in launchbox. have one version of mame working with launchbox but can't seem to get the other one working as well. Are there any parameters I need? I have tried to launch with bat files and still doesn't work. 

  2. Hard drive space I have like 1 TB of like the SSD. And I have another as well. So I moved some files over to free up space and it did. But once I turn it off turn it back on it's back to having like a few MB of free space. Any ideas that might help?

  3. On 10/1/2021 at 5:41 PM, latin625 said:

    Not sure if you still need it, but here is my solution.  I had the same issue.

    1. Open Notepad

    2. copy and paste this: demul.exe -run=naomi -rom=put_name_of_the_rom_here     
    Do not add the rom extension, only the name of the file (it is CaSe Sensitive)

    3. Save as (rom name).bat in the same directory as Demul

    4. Test by clicking on the .bat file , it should launch the game

    5. If it works, go to LB and point the game to the .bat file. Uncheck Emulator (No Emulator).

    Good Luck!

    This Works

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