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Everything posted by ATOdinson

  1. How would I accomplish having launchbox start with windows, but minimized to the task bar? I tried creating a shortcut with the [run minimized] dropdown selection and placing that shortcut in the startup folder. While it did start with windows that way, it started in the foreground. I should note that I do have minimize and close to task bar both selected in launch box.
  2. My intuition says that the 7th heaven team would need to make some kind of option to keep the launcher entirely in the background. I suppose we could suggest or ask for such an option in the official discord.
  3. Unfortunately not. I am still using the /launch /quit parameters in my shortcut, and it does launch, but immediately get the game over screen even though the game is running because it switches to the game.
  4. Sorry for the necro but I am looking for the same thing. I love cover flow themes but they all loop and end up looking awful if you only have a couple games. I wouldnt even know how to start editing a theme. Can you point me in the right direction? To add, I am using "Old Default" theme. Just trying to find a way to disable the looping menu wheels.
  5. So, normally I would add /launch /quit to the end of the shortcut to make it work. I tried using the 7th heaven exe with /launch /quit in the command line parameters. The launch part worked perfectly, automatically launching the game. Unfortunately, the quit part instantly closes the program rather than waiting to close the program till after FF7 is closed, which is how it normally works when doing it through a normal shortcut. Any help for this noob would be nice.
  6. SO, I have a shortcut that goes strait to launching the game with mods, then closes 7th heaven when you exit the game. I tried adding the game via the shortcut, but launchbox thinks the game has closed the moment the console closes. How would I configure launchbox to use the 7th heaven shortcut to launch the game, but watch the actual exe to determine when it closes?
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