I'm seeing the same behavior on my arcade cabinet, and this also started very recently (within the last 2 months). I would say it happens once every 2-weeks on average. My cabinet is set on a timer, which powers it down (at the wall plug) at night, then turns it on again in the AM. So this is a straight cold boot each time. Normally, I come into the office and see it powered up and waiting at the BigBox game selector scroll wheel, but I have seen it at the windows screen three times now, and when i try to run BigBox, it pops up that same error message the OP had. I have to task manager kill it, then run it again to fix it.
LaunchBox - v13.17
LB directory location - SSD
Theme - default
Machine specs
CPU - Intel Core i% @3.2Ghz
GPU - nVidia GeForce GTX 1070
Ram - 16 GB