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Everything posted by Tantrumus
Figured this out. I previously removed PS1 but not the art/media. Something was not working properly with the hide games with missing front box art. When I removed that the games showed properly. The interesting thing is that box art was not missing for those games so the filter was confused. Im thinking something gets borked when you remove a platform but not the art, LB finds the art but thinks its missing or something. Weird that they showed fine until making a favorite, like something was read and now it looked like no box art was found and now that filter suddenly processed.... I fixed it all by doing another media download pass on PS1 and choosing to not download what already existed. Everything worked after that...
I'm having a very strange problem. Imported my PS1 roms and all went good at this point. Created the auto child categories, check. Went into certain games and edited metadata and set favorite flag on quite a few I knew I loved. The games disappeared from the genre categories, the games also did not appear in favorites. Restored a backup, repeated above and same behavior again. I haven't had this problem in the other platforms. Also checked that nothing was in the filter to skew what was being shown. Shutdown LB several times and restarted.
Thx JoeViking245 So my excitement was short lived. After a few reboots I discovered it was not holding the remaps as I thought, even though mame text dumps were showing the remaps happening as expected. Stick 2 became 1 and vise versa etc. Back to the drawing board I guess. At this point I think I'm fine just accepting to un-plug/re-plug the 2 sticks in order we want them used in MAME. /facepalm. I was probably being way too anal about this in the long run.
I think I finally got this working! Applying default configuration from controller configuration file MyControllerConfig2.cfg Input: Remapped joystick #3: Controller (Gamepad F310) (device id: Controller (Gamepad F310) product_c21d046d-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 instance_60716af0-6906-11ee-8001-444553540000) Input: Remapped joystick #1: Controller (MAYFLASH Arcade Fightstick F500 V2) (device id: Controller (MAYFLASH Arcade Fightstick F500 V2) product_00872f24-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 instance_18b98900-7049-11ee-8001-444553540000) TY skizzosjt for your sample to reference. I have more work to do but above proves out that the mapping is now working. Some observations: This may seem wrong but only way I got the Mayflash to show in the MAME dump was to force MAME in dinput mode. Interestingly enough the Mayflash stick is in xinput mode /smh but its working now..... At least now I can setup all the bindings for all the devices and not worry about the next time Windows enumerates the controllers screwing everything up later. Added the new Mayflash and here is the config. Cannot express the happiness I am feeling right now. This was a PITA! Glad this community is here! Thank you to everyone who responded above. <?xml version="1.0"?> <mameconfig version="10"> <system name="default"> <input> <mapdevice device="Controller (MAYFLASH Arcade Fightstick F500 V2) product_00872f24-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 instance_18b98900-7049-11ee-8001-444553540000" controller="JOYCODE_1" /> <mapdevice device="Controller (MAYFLASH Arcade Fightstick F500 V2) product_00872f24-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 instance_49966c70-7beb-11ee-8001-444553540000" controller="JOYCODE_2" /> <mapdevice device="Controller (Gamepad F310) product_c21d046d-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 instance_60716af0-6906-11ee-8001-444553540000" controller="JOYCODE_3" /> </input> </system> </mameconfig>
I really want to thank everyone who took the time to respond and offer up some help! What a great community. @LegzRwheelz thx for the alternate idea with that tool may look at that if I cannot get this working, sounds promising. BTW that server crash. I have noticed for weeks its said the same thing looking at their webpage hopefully they get their site back in order. @skizzosjt thanks a lot for sharing that. In several reddit threads I noticed similar mappings with device name and that GUID at the end. NONE of my devices look like that in the MAME text dump. I will run it today and share how mine looks. I do have a question before I do another mame dump, the fight sticks have many modes (xinput, dinput, etc) should I have them hard set to x-input or does it not matter? The last idea I had in frustration last night was setting mame to dinput mode and the thought would be let all the sticks have the same buttons etc, but alas these are different fightsticks so the button numbers come up different. Then I basically told my wife "I give up, lets put this other fight stick to the side and buy another Mayflash and at least the will map the buttons the same way and wont have that issue anymore." Should also mention the logitech gamepads also have a x/d switch (had them on x-input) at the start of this use-case, currently on dinput per drift in ideas to handle the prob. @JoeViking245 thanks for the suggestion on dumping the data differently. I first saw how to do this in a video by Mavericks Arcade on Youtube and his example said to load galaga or some other rom. Maybe back then you had to do it like that. EDIT: ADHD Shift in thoughts....correct me if I'm wrong here: If both fight sticks are exactly the same (2) Mayflash F500 then all the button#'s etc will map exactly the same in MAME and who cares which becomes player1 or 2 when we are both playing. If we want to force which is player one just plug them in, in order... Next the (4) game pads are all the same so same thoughts there. If we are going to play 2 player we just plug in fight sticks in order of player1 and 2 and dont really have to worry about different mappings and can just use dinput, same thought with gamepads. I took leap of faith and ordered another one for my wife (and an IST Alpha N lever had to make it same as mine, got white sanwa buttons and a green bat top for hers to tell them apart HAHA) she will still bitch about the $$$ but will get over it once we start having fun instead of fighting with control configs. If this ends up fixing my issues, I apologize for wasting everyone's time. PS: The other fightstick wont go to waste and I'll just keep it around my main gaming PC. It's this one for the record and been a major pain, however built like a tank, and worst instructions ever: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08PBF8GQV/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Oh yeah I minimized the testing to just the 2 fight sticks connected by themselves without the gamepads. Yes I had mame.ini setup to use a mycontrollerconfig One thing I noticed while all (6) controllers were connected .... I ran "MAME -v galaga > test.txt" and found that neither fight stick showed up anywhere even though device manager showed them. This led me to start digging in the fight stick manuals.... I'll be back when I have time to mess with this more.... color me confused. This shouldnt be rocket science "Thanks Microsoft for how you enumerate joysticks."
Tried your suggestion: <?xml version="1.0"?> <mameconfig version="10"> <system name="default"> <input> <mapdevice device="VID_2F24&PID_0087" controller="JOYCODE_1" /> <mapdevice device="VID_045E&PID_028E&IG_00" controller="JOYCODE_2" /> </input> </system> </mameconfig> Still came back joy3 for the first device mapping. I saw other samples online where they took out the VID parts and I simplified to below and still first mapping shows JOY3 when trying any settings. <?xml version="1.0"?> <mameconfig version="10"> <system name="default"> <input> <mapdevice device="PID_0087" controller="JOYCODE_1" /> <mapdevice device="PID_028E" controller="JOYCODE_2" /> </input> </system> </mameconfig> Appreciate the help.
TY for that reply. I thought I had things working but alas no. Joy1 which was the Mayflash fightstick became Joy3 after reboot. I will try the & (was not sure what that meant in the examples and thought it was part of the lightgun in the example. I accidentally discovered anywhere the & appeared in the device instance path string I could replace it with a semicolon and MAME wouldnt crash so I thought I nailed it LOL. Appreciate the suggestion and I'll report back!
So the gamepads are the struggle no form of formatting (on the above codes I shared for the gamepads) keep MAME from crashing on startup. I got the fight-sticks to map properly. Ultimately I guess who cares how the gamepads map.... <?xml version="1.0"?> <mameconfig version="10"> <system name="default"> <input> <mapdevice device="VID_2F24;PID_0087" controller="JOYCODE_1" /> <mapdevice device="VID_045E;PID_028E;IG_00" controller="JOYCODE_2" /> </input> </system> </mameconfig>
I have been following the guides and ran mame -v galaga > test.txt and reviewed the controller IDs there. Then to be extra sure I added each controller one at a time and noted down the device instance path and they matchup. F500 Mayflash = HID\VID_2F24&PID_0087&IG_01\A&1FD1FBD7&0&0000 Generic stick = HID\VID_045E&PID_028E&IG_00\8&2843E5B&0&0000 Gamepad_1 = HID\VID_046D&PID_C21D&IG_00\9&34C0224D&0&0000 Gamepad_2 = HID\VID_046D&PID_C21D&IG_00\8&3A0E7D2D&0&0000 Gamepad_3 = HID\VID_046D&PID_C21D&IG_00\B&10C56C37&0&0000 Gamepad_4 = HID\VID_046D&PID_C21D&IG_00\9&391491C6&0&0000 My main confusion lies in how the examples show in the example doc: <system name="default"> <input> <mapdevice device="VID_D209&PID_1601" controller="GUNCODE_1" /> <mapdevice device="VID_D209&PID_1602" controller="GUNCODE_2" /> <mapdevice device="XInput Player 1" controller="JOYCODE_1" /> <mapdevice device="XInput Player 2" controller="JOYCODE_2" /> </input> </system> How do the XInput Player 1 and 2 even get saved to be unique devices without any of the PID info? Would I do something like: <system name="default"> <input> <mapdevice device="VID_2F24&PID_0087" controller="JOYCODE_1" /> <mapdevice device="VID_045E&PID_028E&IG_00" controller="JOYCODE_2" /> <mapdevice device="VID_046D&PID_C21D&IG_00\9&34C0224D&0&0000" controller="JOYCODE_3" /> <mapdevice device="VID_046D&PID_C21D&IG_00\8&3A0E7D2D&0&0000" controller="JOYCODE_4" /> <mapdevice device="VID_046D&PID_C21D&IG_00\B&10C56C37&0&0000" controller="JOYCODE_5" /> <mapdevice device="VID_046D&PID_C21D&IG_00\B&10C56C37&0&0000" controller="JOYCODE_6" /> </input> </system> As you can see the PID value is the same on all 4 gamepads the only uniqueness is the last value in the Device instance path.... I'm obviously going to try this out while waiting for replies but this struggle of mine may help someone later on.
skizzosjt thank you very much! Each time I start a new hobby or direction the first thing I battle is the terminology I try to use in my searches. Appreciate the direction! This has probably been the biggest frustration since building this Emu box.
@neil9000 that's exactly how mine are thanks for that. @C-Beats that's one I have not found thank you, will consume that. I am wondering if my issue is still somehow kickstart related. I bought the plus pack from Amiga Forever moved them to the system folder in retroarch, or roms folder in Win-UAE (scan found them and listed all the Amiga models) either or just black screen. I forgot to mention I have tried this on 2 PCs (1 on Win10 with Ryzen 5950x, and other Ryzen 9 6900HX mini PC which is my main EMU box) and both do the same thing. Could it be an underlying Ryzen issue?
Hello, I have been trying for weeks now to get a single Amiga title to function in my collection of games. I've seen every easily found PUAE/Win-UAE video ... nothing works for me that works for all these streamers. Tried Retroarch PUAE, Win-UAE etc. Are there any guides you know of that are current that are not just for ADF files? My set is all in WHDLoad format with <gamename>.slave etc So if I used 1943 as an example there is a 1943.zip, inside the zip 1943.slave, 1943.info etc etc. I tried LHA "packs" as well everything just kicks to a "black screen." I have all the kickstart roms and in PUAR it shows all the roms however there are "!" symbols in front but it sees them all and when I was missing them I would get errors for missing Kickstart ROMS, I get no more "missing Kickstart X/y/z" messages anymore but still no games will run. Tried running these outside launchbox in both standalone puae and win-uae no luck behaves exactly the same. So close to calling it quits and Amiga is probably the one I want to play the most from kid days....
I know this is old and a new direction was taken. I have been struggling for several weeks now trying to get one Amiga game running in Launchbox that is in hfd format. I am experimenting with only 1943.zip, 1943.info, 1943.slave are all the same name in the folder structure in Zip file. I am getting an issue that seems like the bat file can not properly copy the data... WHDRun 1.0 Beta 4 Status log as of 2023-10-26 18:18:18 2023-10-26 18:18:12 Checking files and paths 2023-10-26 18:18:12 Configuring WHDLoad slave 2023-10-26 18:18:12 Extracting and merging game data 2023-10-26 18:18:12 Unzipping original game files 2023-10-26 18:18:12 Error while unzipping: No such file or directory 2023-10-26 18:18:12 WHDRun is done, but there were errors This is the current BAT file I am running: I have tested the paths I have placed in this bat. However I do not know how to test the constructed paths the batch file creates as they do not appear in the log file to see what is wrong. I am so close I think to making this finally work.... echo off set gamepath=%2 IF "%gamepath%"=="" ( set gamepath=%1 set gamefile=%~nx1 set config="whdload-config.uae" ) else ( set gamepath=%2 set gamefile=%~nx2 set config=%1 ) set startupfile=".\WHD\S\pre-user-startup" echo SET game %gamefile:.zip=%> %startupfile% echo echo $game>> %startupfile% whdrun.exe %gamepath% Temp "C:\Launchbox\Emulators\WinUAE\winuae64.exe" %config% .\WHD\S\user-startup
Is there any software out there that still works that over-rides Win11 changing controller assignments? I have emu PC hooked up with following controllers and I should note that not all of these are consistently ALWAYS connected. Mayflash Wii Bar (4) Wii Remotes (4) Generic Gamepads (2) Fight sticks (Mayflash F500, and a generic) I saw guides that said hook EVERYTHING up at once and go through the pains of mapping everything.... which I did for HOURs on Sunday. All was good until next reboot. Really a facepalm situation just have no clue what the best method is to get this consistent... Any tips/suggestions really welcome. I think the issue is just Windows dynamically shifting around controller IDs. To clarify 99% of the pain is MAME mappings. Starting to really think that the only solution is to build a cab where everything is statically wired all the time. The dream/vision of the family emu station is dying fast from this alone
Hello, I am a new BigBox owner and this is my first time post. Last night I spent several hours figuring out how to get all my PS2 CHD to work. Initially I was just using the native emulator and then after some web searching I realized the latest core in Retroarch did it very easily. Once I got passed this I wanted to try and upscale the stock resolution of the PS2 similar to what I do in Dolphin for Gamecube/Wii etc. Got that working, tried 720P, 1080P and runs good except the image corruption that I am seeing. Sometimes the right side of the image will smear away off the right of the screen. Other times weird textures appear where they shouldnt that have text on them sometimes etc. Main question. Are there any known good "best practice" compromise settings for upscaling the latest core in Retroarch that have overall better functionality? Don't have a lot of info on my current config as I'm at work but just hoping there are some sample configs I can look at. Thanks!