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Everything posted by PSPMan

  1. The PSP Mini 1000 Tiny Claws has a fake fanart box labeled as an official one, this game is a digital only release for PSP and does not have a box in any region. Most entries in this category were properly labeled by me a few weeks ago, but this is the only one I cannot fix. To be clear, this image: Needs to be changed from "Box - Front (North America)" to "Fanart - Box - Front (North America)" Thank You
  2. Singing out and singing back in on my PC did it, thank you so much!
  3. nope, looks like this for me now, but i remember that's where i accessed it before
  4. ok I found the link, apparently I had it taken away from me or something https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/moderation/%2f I did skip a bunch of entries because they wouldn't display correctly for me on my phone, i'm assuming I'm in some type of time out? when would it come back? I'm excited to help the site in my down time. As you can see from my history I access the queue on 2 separate occasions. Both were from my phone unfortunately.
  5. Hi, I was approved for this about a week ago, clicked some type of notification, and voted on a few entries, but I did it on my phone and the page didn't display correctly, so I decided I'd only do it from my PC. I want to help the database beyond submitting my own contributions. However, I can't seem to find access to the moderation queue anymore now that I'm on my PC. Where is it? I've looked for it a few times and even googled it, nothing. Form searches bring up unrelated topics. Thanks!
  6. I have moved over all images and data to this entry, and scheduled the second one for deletion.
  7. I've been trying to make YouTube videos covering the games from the PlayStation Minis line, but have repeatedly been met with misinformation and accidental historical revisionism. Long story short, ever since the Web Browser version of the PlayStation store that showed PSP, PS3 and Vita titles was changed to only show PS4 and PS5 games, a ton of digital only titles for those 3 systems have had their official thumbnails "Lost" online. They're out there, but scattered and usually required some hunting. Worse yet, some sites have been overwriting them with fake, fanmade boxarts that suggest they had a Physical UMD release. While there is a very small amount of Minis that had some type of UMD release, over 90% of them Do Not. I decided 2 weeks ago to go through the list of nearly 300 PlayStation Minis and recover and mirror as many thumbnails as possible on Launchbox and GameFAQs so they are more easily accessible. I just finished 2 days ago and am performing my cleanup sweep. I'm making sure those fanmade boxarts are labeled as such here. I just wanted to give a heads up so people don't think I am vandalizing all these pages or something.
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  8. There is no physical PSP release. In general very few minis have physical releases. The only US one is Puzzle Scape Mini (Which dropped the "Mini" from it's title for the physical.) and there's Multiple European ones. Super Fruit Fall has a UMD release in Europe, and then there's the Mega Minis Volume # Compilations (I believe there is 3) other than that, most minis were not released physically. The reason so many Minis entries have boxarts on this site is because they are Fanmade Fakes, if you try and search these physical releases on sites like eBay they don't pop up. I don't remember exactly where they came from, but I asked Spike from CDRomance years ago and he said someone made them and the site scrapped them from somewhere (Sorry that's not the most reputable info, he deleted his Twitter) I bring this up because those fake boxarts have been getting used on a lot of ROM sites, and it's caused other sites to engage in accidentally historical revisionism by thinking they are real and reposting them. in addition to here, I've also been submitting the thumbs to GameFAQs where I was seeing that a lot. I've attached a picture of what the express raider page over there used to look like. The PSP boxart is fake, this is a digital only release on PSP. This does not document European releases, only US ones, but here is the collector's Guide MarcZero made, hopefully that validates what I'm saying a bit more. This document and coresponding Excel sheet documents all 612 black-label games that were released on the PSP in the US. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/yphkxwm63pg2ghext27a9/AFSDqLfSi-7_wtQmk12_8eo?rlkey=x19vmbfc37m2vx773up1zl1ox&st=bxehn1ky&dl=0 Also sorry for taking so long to respond, all of the PlayStation Minis thumbnails I've submitted I've been recovering by hand, and I'm just now performing my cleanup sweep.
  9. Forgive me, I'm still new here. I've been submitting all the thumbnails for PlayStation Minis and slowly cleaning up that category as there are games missing from the list as well as other issues. The 2 games found Here and Here are the same game under a slightly different name, but both pages have unique data not present in the other, The one piece of conflicting info I noticed is the release dates, which appear to be the dates listed on GameFAQs for the US and EU release. I noticed Launchbox doesn't seem to keep track of multiple regions (something IMO should be changed.) Anyways, I was wondering how I suggest the 2 pages be merged so none of the images/data are lost. Thank you for the help.
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