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4-Bit Adder

4-Bit Adder (2/7)



  1. I have it now. Just wgen U put the folders in it the programm does not open for example Killer Instinct 2 The paths look like so homepath . rompath "e:\MAME\MAME 0.268 ROMs (split)\";"e:\MAME\MAME 0.268 CHDs (merged)\" Must I do something else or isa the paths folder too long? Maybe that thing in the picture shown? But I do not find this option to show that specific window.
  2. Well I tried the mame -cc command and it does not create the ini file. Is there something I do wrong_ I use mame 268 (the latest one) Also where is the folder option from the picture shown here. That could maybe the solution to my problem.
  3. Hi there, well I have my Mame roms in f:\Mameroms and my chds in e:\Mamechds is there a way to have these two folders somewhere written in an ini file so that I do not need to copy the chds in the roms folder?
  4. Will do. Thanks for your help
  5. Hi there, I have the latest launchbox beta insatalled and put the cheat.7z in the folder where Mame 0.262 resids. When I press TAB in the emulator I do not get a cheat menu. What am I doing wrong
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