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Posts posted by rick_donculus

  1. 6 hours ago, JoeViking245 said:

    To get a game to launch in cocktail mode, simply add to the command-line parameters -view cocktail.

    The problem is that you can't assign a custom command-line parameter to a game in a playlist.  Well, you can. But that command sticks with the game itself.  Whether viewing it in a playlist or in a platform view, or otherwise.


    One solution is:

    • Create a new emulator in LaunchBox
    • Call the new emulator something like "MAME Cocktail Mode"
    • Point to the same mame.exe file [as your original] for the executable. 
    • In the Default Command-line Parameters, add the end "-view cocktail" (without quotes)
    • In the Associated Platforms section, add your 'Arcade' platform.
      • Keep Default Emulator un-checked
    • Click OK to save and close

    To launch a game in cocktail mode, right-click the game and select "Launch With", then select "MAME Cocktail Mode".



    Thanks for the response. 

    -view cocktail doesn't quite give me what i want, since that mirrors the screen. But I was able to specify "-cfg_directory" to point to a different directory for cocktail game configs. I have to go into each game and switch the setting to Cocktail, which is tedious, but i only have to do it the first time I play each game in cocktail mode.

    I'd still like to figure out a way to get a playlist or category that is just these "cocktail mode" games, but this solves the biggest issue. Thanks!

  2. I'd like the ability to launch a cocktail-compatible MAME rom in either cocktail or standup cabinet mode. For example, I'd like to have in Launchbox a "Pacman - Standup" and "Pacman - Cocktail", which uses the same ROM, hi-scores, etc, but just changes the dip switch setting on startup.

    I was thinking I could have a separate MAME cfg file location for cocktail cabinets, and then create a "Cocktail Cabinet" playlist in Launchbox, and have it start the ROM and specify the cocktail cfg folder. Then if you wanted to play the same game in standup configuration, you would start the game in the standard playlist. 

    Is this a good way to go about doing that, or is there a better way?


  3. I have a premium LaunchBox and EmuMovies account.

    Before I had an EmuMovies account, I imported an entire MAME 262 ROM collection into  Launchbox, so initially there are no snaps or videos for any of the games.  Then i signed up for the paid EmuMovies account.  Is there a way to get Launchbox to download videos for all ROMs? The only way I can find to do it is one at a time for each ROM.

    The only other way I see to do it is to use the EmuMovies Sync app, download media, then copy it into Launchbox. But that seems "wrong" since LB has built-in sync capabilites for EmuMovies.


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