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Posts posted by samarmenfilms

  1. Basically I have old Rom sets that I set up on an old PC (Which I recently copied over to my new faster gaming PC) The original goal was to build launchbox with my old ROMs which I had previously used with Hyperspin.  I took a while and built it only to find out not everything would sync or work and my older PC couldn't handle the volume of what I had (I think it was at 70K+ games) So I built a new gaming PC more than capable of running everything.  I tried doing an audit all games from the old PC and then do control A, Control C, Then Pasting with control V in an excel document (So I have a reference point via excel with all of my old games on it)  When I did these steps on the older slower PC it would kind of buffer and say "Auditing Games Not Responding" then when I went to paste in excel it would say "Microsoft Excel Cannot Paste The Data".  Once my transfer to the new PC was complete I tried it on the newer fast PC and I had the same result.  I've watched these steps work via tutorial videos I've seen.  So what I'm wondering now is if there is a limit of game files where the data will not copy/export or paste into excel?  Any ideas on what I can do here?  The goal here is to export the old audit games list to excel, then install my new build with newer "sets" and then do an audit games export when finished and compare the 2 excel files to see if any of the old games do not exist in the newer build (So I can know what to copy over).  Images attached...........thanks in advance for the help



  2. So I have a Hyperspin setup from years ago that honestly never worked right where I was using it frequently. My buddy has suggested launchbox and bigbox for me and I’m trying to see the best way to approach my installation of everything. Basically I cut my roms out of my Hyperspin setup and am trying to use those root folders as my paths for launchbox. Problem is they’re older, the way they are separated is how Hyperspin had them etc. I basically paid for the roms I have and don’t want to lose them but trying to have a complete and working system with like everything that I have (2 drives close to 10tb all together).

    At this point I have imported all games from the old hyperspin folders keeping them in their original paths. The problem now is some of the folders I've tried to import don't show up or recognize in Launchbox, I have made a list of what the folders were named. If anyone can recommend how to import these that would be helpful. The second part of my problem is metadata appropriately attaching for the games I've imported. I have a ton of emulators/roms for various computers, arcades, and consoles. Trying to figure out the best way to fix and audit these as well I have 767 GB left currently on one drive and 24 Kb left on the other.

    The folders from hyperspin I cannot find what emulator/system they run with are: (Any help would be much appreciated) For the record I have both Launchbox and Bigbox so if there is extra tools on Bigbox I do have it if that makes things easier.

    AAE – Another Arcade Emulator

    Acorn 8-Bit

    ALF TV Game

    American Laser Games

    Apple 1

    Applied Technology Superbee

    Atari Age

    Bandai Supervision 8000

    Canon X-07

    Casio PV-2000

    Coleco Telstar

    Commodore 16 and Plus4




    Doujin Games

    Exodus Dos Pack


    Flash Games

    Fruit Machines

    Gizmondo (No Known Emulator)

    Hacked Games

    Handheld Games

    Ice Cold Games

    Konix Multi-System

    Leapster Learning Game System

    Locomalito Games

    Luxor ABC 80

    Lviv PC-01

    Magnavox Odyssey 4000


    NEC PCs

    NES Prototypes


    Nintendo Sufami Turbo

    Nintendo Super Game Boy

    Nintendo Wii Light Gun

    PC Games

    Pecom 64

    Poineer Palcom Laserdisc


    RM Nimbus

    RPG Maker

    Run N Gun

    Samsung SPC-1000

    Sega ages roms

    Sega Mark 3

    Sega Master System Import

    Sega Ringedge

    Sega VMU

    Sharp MZs

    Sharp x68000

    Shmup wheel

    Sinclair QL



    Sony Playstation Minis

    Sony SMC 777

    Tatung Einstein-TC-01


    Thomson MO5

    Thomson TO7

    Thomson TO8

    Timex Sinclair

    Tomy Pyuuta

    Touhou Project

    UniPlayer 3D


    Vintage BASIC

    Xbox Live Arcade

    Clone Hero

    Gog Games

    PC Games


    This shows the naming of the folders I have and am trying to build from


    I've also attached a few screenshots of my system once I bring them in.  Some obscure systems have garbled titles and others seem to be like prototypes or games that will not pull any photos or assets etc.  Basically trying to figure out the best way to utilize everything and fix it so it is a clean system with all of the games I have while pulling all photos and assets needed for everything to display nicely.  Kind of lost at what I should do next. 




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