So I've been merrily importing my PS3 game library without too much hinderance but the latest batch has had a few missing titles, so want to garner some knowledge about the best way to resolve this, currently I'm thinking I need to individually import the missing titles from the Disc Game folder, but believe that was problematic since the automatic importer was implemented. Also I had 3 titles pop up during a scan (after 2-3 scans of not finding them) and only one of them was added to the library so suspect there maybe more at play.
What I have noticed is that some (not checked all) do not have a folder within the /dev_hhd/game directory or if they do do not have an EBOOT.bin within their folder in this directory.
So ideas, what's probably gonna be the best way to resolve these missing titles ? They are appearing in RPCS3 game list and in some cases after allowing them to launch and do their thing (install) launchbox then finds them.