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Disney Rob

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  1. No, these are games purchased from stores in the past. Hard copies I installed on the hard drives. They are either exe, bat, or com files to execute. I am talking games from the 80's and 90's.
  2. Just getting started with launchbox for my PC library. I have literally thousands of games on the hard drive As I enter each of them ONE AT A TIME I wonder is there and option on launchbox where I can just click on the main file and it finds all the exe files. and enters all the data. If not wouldn't it be nice.
  3. Trying to run Spectravideo through retroarch Gets Bluesmax loaded, even loads the game when I type Cload (weird thing when I type Cload, when I type the "l" i get a bunch like the key is stuck, and have to backspace) However when I type run, and press enter. I get a Syntax in line 20 error message Can someone help
  4. Okay started over. Downloaded a "complete " MAME" collection. Matched version numbers The bios files are there for Gamaate, Vsmile, and Vcreate I downloaded the rom files for Gamate, VSmile, and VCreate, put the, all in the ROMS folder, yet MAME is still telling me it is missing files. I am about to give up Where am I still screwing up.
  5. So is this basically download different files until I find the ones that work ? I am trying to get version numbers as close as I can. Maybe delete what I have now, and start from scratch ?
  6. Straight through Mame. I figure if they dont work then, they will not work with Mame through launchbox
  7. Yes I mean vtech creativision/ I must have downloaded five versions of vsmile.zip and they contain the three files in question. But everytime I try to run a Mame app it tells me vsmile_102.bin. and vsmile_103.bin are missing.
  8. Still cant get VSmile, VCreate, or Gamate to work In VSmile I get this message vsmile_v103.bin not found vsmile_102,bin not found However both files are in my rom directory Is there a step, by step tutorial on how to get these three systems working in MAME ?
  9. Trying to run V-tech Creativision through Mame, it just will not work So I decided to use the Creativision emulator. It will start up, and then dump out/ It looks like the bios files are in the proper folder. Is there a tutorial out there, or something to show how to set this emulator up Thanks.
  10. Thank you, this has to be my issue/
  11. Running MAME , downloaded the latest version, and the latest Rom sets. Everything works except VSmile, and Gamate. When I load the interface, bot come up and work. However if I try to load a game, it say's missing files. I have downloaded the mame roms for these system separate, and put them in my roms folder, yet every time I try to load a game. I get the roms missing file Has anybody gotten these to work, what am I missing? Thanks
  12. Does anybody know where to find the art files for Tiger Handhelds. I found some at progrettosnaps, but it doesn't seem to work.
  13. I am still having issues with Mame. Some romsets work, yet others do not and I get the files not found error message Even though I download the romsets for the version of Mame (latest version) I still get the error message I can not get Gamate, Tomy Tutor, Tiger Handheld, or V-Smile to work. It says I am missing files, even though I download the proper romsets and put them in my roms folder. Has anybody had success with these systems on Mame. If so can you tell me what else I need to do other than add the romsets to my roms folder. Thank you
  14. Found out the problem was a bad copy of Demul After downloading new version, everything works
  15. Disney Rob

    Mame Help

    I am having a heck of a time with Mame The arcade section works well, As do some of the other sections But things like Gamemate, Bally Astrocade, Mega Duck, and a few others just boot me out. It says files are not found. However I have the proper files in my rom folder, but it doesn't seem like Mame is finding them Any help would be appreciated.
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