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  1. I have added arcade gold from arcadepunks.com. I am trying to add the starwars trigilogy arcade game to it. Dose anyone here know how to do it. I followed adding the rom zip folder into super model 3 folder inside roms. It plays fine using the engine in there. But it won't seem to add it to the frontend of it. Using this just because it's a nice looking interface for arcade games. Any help would be much appreciated 👏
  2. I have launchbox and bigbox. Had some issues with some roms from dreamcast from not loading at all. Couldn't find a good answer on why. So I deleted the system and imported redream emulator into launchbox. But it won't allow the games to import because I guessing they are now in .chd format. Is there any way to actually import them. I also have tried and every time it comes up with o games. Redream and Retroarch standalone play the games without any issues. But won't import into LB. But I can and am using a rom file that is actually the redream emulator right now to be able to still play games in BB Any help would be great. Kind of stuck without trying to re-download 300 plus games over again in another format.
  3. Ended up finding the answer Friday. There is a program configuration file that's called devreoder and devlister program that gave me a guid for each controler. Then inserted into the devreoder config file. Placed in the same folder as retroarch.exe file Took me awhile to figure that all out. Appreciate the help Now I can unplug replug controllers back in without a issue.
  4. Dam was hopeing that might of been the fix Wondering if there is away in windows to lable each usb port as specific player control. Like ps2 or n64?? 🤔🤔
  5. Weird question. I have 8 ports but not sure with what you mean on the amount of ports. They are all plugged into different ones. Going to give the usb hub a try
  6. Installed a pc with launchbox and bigbox on it. Put the wired up the 4 encoder boards and plug them in one at a time. First time running it and setting each system up. Worked perfect. But now everytime I restart the system. It changes the encoder to a different player. Everytime different. Like one time player 1 we be player 1. Next time maybe player 3 or 4 or 2. Supper frustrating but not sure what else to do. Tried to use x360e for controller setup. But dose t seem to help. Running windows 11 I can give more indepth details if anyone needs. Dose any one have any ideas?? EG Starts 4 Player Classic DIY Arcade Joystick Kit Parts USB Encoder To PC Controls Games + 4/8 Way Stick + 5V led Illuminated Push Buttons Compatible Video Game Consoles Mame Raspberry Pi & 4 Colors https://a.co/d/bb6IT8d
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