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1-Bit Wonder

1-Bit Wonder (1/7)



  1. Thanks for your answer. Yes I have tried that, but didn't work, not sure how to I have to do. I created a blank txt file with: C64Game.d64:FOCUS I saved it and changed the txt extension with m3u. Not sure what to do with this file, I tried to use it as a "rom" file and play it with Launchbox, didn't worked. I trie to use the command in the parameters line, didn't work.
  2. Any idea ? I need to load specific program instead of LOAD"*",8,1 For example, I need: LOAD"FOCUS",8,1 (and then RUN). Thanks in advance for any help !
  3. Hello, newbie with launchbox, retroarch and vice 😀 When I start a c64 game from launchbox (using retroarch and vice), I have an issue with games that require a slightly different loading method than the common one (LOAD"*",8,1 RUN). For some game I have to put the name of the file to load. I managed to create an .opt file for the game, but don't know what to change in it to give specific load option. Could someone help me ? Thanks in advance Kind regards, Chrisbati
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