Question 1
Ive been searching and have not come up with an answer. Id like to get bezels put on launchbox. I've got it figured out for pc. But nothing in the app on how to and Google answers are conflicting.
Is it a pain to do? Is it easier to configure the Android version through your pc since you'd have all that info there?
If I configure the android from the pc from launchbox will that configure the bezels as well into the Android version or is there more to do there?
Question number 2 about licensing. From reading it, says i can put it on all my devices. So one licensing purchase would cover my kids 2 tablets and mine or would I need to purchase 3 Android licenses and then of course my 1 pc license for my pc version.
Thanks. Noob here. Still looking through the forum as well.
Also wanted to say, im loving launchbox! Pretty much everything I've been looking for! Will make gaming for my kiddos seem more appealing than to just see a text list! Keep up the awesome work! When all said and done ill have both pc and Android full licenses!