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Posts posted by altrewin

  1. While I do wish that LaunchBox could be kept free for all, I do understand the need for money to progress development. I think $10 is a reasonable amount for a premium version so long as it is kept as a lifetime license and the free version doesn't get left behind or plastered with ads. So from this post I'd say I'm happy with this system. Smile Also with regards to donations before December 2014 getting access to premium straight away does that include those who have donated < $10? Or just those who have donated $10 or more?
  2. Just realised that there is nothing on there about --cfgpath="string" for PCSX2. It does allow relative paths too as I have just found out, here's a chunk from my post a moment ago in this thread.
    altrewin said Application Path: Emulators\PCSX2\pcsx2.exe Application Command-Line Parameters: --cfgpath="GameConfigs\GAME" "Games\GAME.iso" Where "GAME" is whatever game you are loading, for example if you wanted to create a profile for Rayman, the parameters would be: "--cfgpath="GameConfigs\Rayman" "Games\Rayman.iso"
  3. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work. I have a feeling it is the fault of PCSX2 and not LaunchBox. PCSX2 loads fine, but it refuses to detect the config or the game if relative paths are used. However after some tinkering it works now, the problem was that when using relative paths it's calling it from PCSX2's directory. So all configs and games need to be in there for it to work! Guess it's time to reorganise my setup a bit! For any others having trouble here's my setup now. Application Path: Emulators\PCSX2\pcsx2.exe Application Command-Line Parameters: --cfgpath="GameConfigs\GAME" "Games\GAME.iso" Where "GAME" is whatever game you are loading, for example if you wanted to create a profile for Rayman, the parameters would be: "--cfgpath="GameConfigs\Rayman" "Games\Rayman.iso" Thanks for the help ps4! While the last solution wasn't quite right it helped me in the right directionSmile
  4. Hi there, Thanks for the help with this, your solution seems to work perfectly! However I was also wondering if there is a way to do the same thing using relative paths to keep with the portable nature of LaunchBox? For example if I wanted to move my collection to an external HDD to save some space, with the current solution I'd have to make sure the drive was set as "Z:" in whatever PC I used it on.
  5. Hi Guys, First off, love LaunchBox to bits. I've already got my N64 collection up and running and I'm working on my PS2 setup now. My issue is as follows - As some of you may know, a fair few PS2 games require a tweak or two to get working without glitches, now before I discovered LaunchBox I had my games added in Steam via the non-steam game bit which allows some commandline tweaks (most importantly --cfgpath="Path"). Now I know this is possible to do with LaunchBox, but the method seems more longwinded than it needs to be. Currently I have to setup seperate emulators (generally with the naming scheme "PCSX2 [GAME]" and set each game to work with their corresponding emulator setup. Surely there must be a way to allow commandline without having to setup extra emulators?
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