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Retro Pimpz

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Everything posted by Retro Pimpz

  1. Hi all, I've just been adding my PC games one by one via Game>Add... Everything has gone smoothly for about 20 games and then when I got to NASCAR 14, instead of adding a new game under 'Windows' it actually adds a new 'Platform' (without a name)??? Very strange, I also tried with NASCAR 15 and had the same issue??? All other games seem to be adding fine. I thought I'd better report it and also ask if anyone else has had this issue and if anyone knows of a fix? Thanks Andy
  2. Sorry guys, didn't mean to 'open a can of worms!' I am new to LB and it only took watching a couple of the vids to make me download and buy the Premium Licence immediately. I love it's simplicity and the fact that it's dedicated to games. You guys have done a fantastic job with it. Having moved my gaming pc (I still have a full HTPC downstairs) over to LB from XBMC/Kodi and Rom Collection Browser, there is only one thing I miss and that is the Local Scraper. The database sounds great guys, it really does, however what if I still prefer all the artwork I have tirelessly downloaded and renamed to match my roms? What if some people prefer PAL boxart over NTSC counterparts? What if people have saved their own Screenshots? Some of the artwork that is scraped online is awful quality and sometimes doesn't even match or is used for various games. For me, a database would have to be FULL of top quality, multiple variants for each system all of the same quality or I wouldn't want to use it. I'm not that great when it comes to programming etc. Which would be the harder task, creating a local scraper or a database good enough to meet the varying requirements of each user? My personal opinion: 1. A Local Scraper would make LB perfect for my needs. 2. I have all my artwork already, I wouldn't require a database. 3. To please everyone, I would go with both. The users that don't already have artwork may find a database useful. Just my thoughts guys, go easy on me!
  3. Thanks bd000 I didn't think this feature was available. I hope it's in the pipeline!?? I have thousands of beautiful boxes and screenshots for my collections that took ages to download and rename using FuzzyRename. It would be awesome if I could just drag and drop them all into folders for LaunchBox or just select a 'Boxfront' folder when importing a system. Do you think this feature will happen anytime soon?
  4. Can anyone help with this please?
  5. Just found LaunchBox after deciding to bin the nightmare that is XBMC/Kodi. I watched a few vids and then purchased Premium immediately, it's exactly what I was looking for! So, having already had XBMC setup running RetroArch I have all my various sytems, loads of roms and all my boxart, screenshots & fanarts already.... I don't really want to scrape online for it and I don't want to do each game individually (It would take years!) What's the best/is there a... way to import a full rom collection including all my local artwork? Cheers Andy
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