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Posts posted by Arcamenel

  1. @Jason Honestly I'd just put a note in the options window when you push out 5.2 if possible mentioning the fact that it may not show up if using a custom theme and then just take your time with it seeing as how W10 is so new I wouldn't be surprised if the second you fixed it Microsoft wouldn't just end up putting out a patch and breaking it 2 days later. P.S.: I'm not sure if you've already gotten to it with 5.1 I haven't read the patch notes just yet for it having just gotten the pop-up for the update. P.P.S.: I've also just realized I never mentioned what theme I was using which is very bad form for someone reporting an issue and trying to help out, hopefully this will give you some help in knowing how it broke it and why, if I can help out in any other way let me know and I'd be happy to do what I can. LINK
  2. Can confirm themes are responsible for breaking the check marks on the options boxes in big box mode, I had the problem during the beta (was only in it for 2 day) and thought I'd leave it be and muck about with the program once 5.0 launched, I just found this thread and I was using a custom theme with the same problem reverted to one of the standards and it fixed it, not ideal since I prefer a darker colour but I can always switch back once I've finished with the settings. In case this info is useful to you I'm running windows 10 nothing particularly odd about my setup and toggling the theme back and forth makes the check marks appear and disappear so it's definitely that.
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