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  1. Never mind, I'm blind. Sorry. For anyone else, within the edit menu, it's in the primary "Media" category, not the sub-categories - Images & Videos.
  2. I'm really excited to explore LaunchBox 11 and so far I really like the interface changes, but I'm having trouble finding where to link a game's instruction manual. I knew where to find this field in the old build, but I can't find it now. I can see the option is still there to view manuals that were previously linked. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. Thank you so much. I followed your instructions, and that turned out to be the issue. I was able to import my genesis games without any problem afterward. Thanks again.
  4. Thanks for responding. I'm stumped too, because the process I'm using is the exact process I've used to set up other emulators. To answer some of your questions: -I always select to have the rom files stay in the original folder. -The import process (which I've tried multiple times now attempting to fix this problem) is really quick. -I've unzipped every rom file and so it's not an issue of multiple files inside one zip folder. Thanks.
  5. I’m trying to import rom files using the import wizard but the games I’ve selected are not successfully importing. Specifically, I’m trying to import Sega Genesis games. Some of the games are zipped and some are extracted SMD files. The system I selected was Sega Genesis, and the default emulator I’ve configured is the Kega Fusion. Initially, I used the wizard to import a folder of games. Of the 80 genesis games in the folder, only 7 were successfully imported. I ran the wizard again and deselected the options for metadata to download concurrently, but this was still not successful. Then, I tired importing one game at a time. This didn’t work either. After that, I tried to import the games under the system Mega Drive. This was not successful either. Can someone please help me out with this issue? I just started using launchbox, and so far I’ve had a great experience with this frontend. It’s significantly better and more visually appealing than the frontend I was using before - Hyperspin. Thanks.
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