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Everything posted by mattrix

  1. Glad to be of assistance. I didn't really want to hijack my own thread, but I thought this wasn't worth starting it's own thread: I've noticed when selecting multiple games with control+click, you can't deselect a game by clicking it again. This can get a bit annoying if you have painstakingly selected a few dozen games (eg for deletion or a bulk edit or something), but then accidentally select a game you didn't mean to, you can't just deselect it again. You either have to live with your choice, or deselect all of them and start over.
  2. Hey Jason, thanks for the quick reply. I understand you would want a complete solution before rolling it out. Selfishly I'm okay with it only working for ROMs, as ROMs are all I have (for now). I actually really like CADScott's idea. Instead of waiting until after you've removed a bunch of games from Launchbox and then using a cleanup tool to remove the files, would it be possible to remove all the files on deletion? eg: Right-click "Game Name '98" -> Delete. Launchbox now removes the game from the list, and deletes the "gamename98.zip" file from the backend, and maybe even deletes any images associated with it. Would that be easier to do, or would that have the same problems as the Bulk Cleanup Tool? ps: I love the work you are doing on this program. I've had a bunch of ROMs sitting on my hard drive for years, but with nothing but file names to go on, I never really had the urge to play them. Not so now.
  3. I realise someone has already asked for a similar feature here: https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/features/feature-request-tool-to-clean-game-list But I am after the reverse. I tend to get lots of doubles in my list, but when I delete a game from the Launchbox Front-end it removes it from view, but the game file (.bin, .zip etc) remains in the Launchbox folder. If I remove 50 doubles from a list of 500, I either have to do it one at a time, or go back and try and work out which ones have been removed. It quickly becomes either fiddly, time-consuming or both. Is it possible to make a Game Cleanup Tool that works the same way as the current Image Cleanup Tool? One that just compares the games in the Front-end with games files in the Back-end, and removes any game files that aren't being used?
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