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Ribbit King

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  1. I am running the latest beta and it still crashes when the 360 controller shuts off. I don't get the error box that Zombeaver gets, I just get the stopped working error like the one i posted before.
  2. Unfortunately it still crashes with the beta. I didn't time it exactly, but once the controller turns off there is about five seconds or so before it crashes.
  3. I'm running version 5.5 on Windows 10.
  4. Hi, not sure if this has been mentioned before. If LaunchBox and my wireless 360 controller are left on and running in the background, LaunchBox will crash when the 360 controller decides to time out and shut itself off.
  5. I've been enjoying Big Box so thanks again! How about this for a feature request. In Big Box, the game descriptions only show what will fit into the screen. What about the option to scroll down using the right analog stick to read the rest of the description?
  6. That link seems to show how to open Big Picture without a game. I've tried to Google the solution and can't seem to find one. We can run a Steam game from command line and regular desktop Steam will open, but there isn't that same option for Big Picture. Maybe if Steam Boxes and Big Picture becomes more popular, Valve will create that option to go straight into the game.
  7. Hi, I'm loving Big Box, it's great for my couch PC gaming. I now run my Steam games through Big Box. But being on the couch, I would like to have the games launch into Big Picture Mode. Not launch Big Picture by itself but launch Big Picture and the game all at once. I'm starting to think it's not possible at this point, but I thought I'd ask just in case I'm missing a step. Thanks again. I've mixed and matched different combinations with no luck. Application Path: steam://rungameid/(game id) steam://open/bigpicture C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\(game name)\(game.exe) Application Command-Line Parameters: steam://rungameid/(game id) steam://open/bigpicture -bigpicture -tenfoot
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