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Posts posted by sd_dracula

  1. Cmon guys go and vote this up on https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/150/playlists-premium-feature Surely someone everyone needs to be able to create custom playlists such as a "To Play" list. The favourites list doesn't quite cut it :)
  2. I have just finished building a MAME cabinet that is controlled by an X-Arcade Tankstick. Scrolling a large games list takes forever via joysticks and even via page up/down is not that much faster. Is there way to jump one letter at a time? Or at least to scroll them via the trackball which would be perfect.? Or start typing to filter the list based on the input (like MAME does)?
  3. I am running a vertical screen set up in my cabinet. 1024x1280 resolution. Because it is vertical, the BigBox mode is a bit crunched up and hard to see a game's name (see attached). Is there a way to re-arrange the Titles, Snapshots, Videos in BigBox mode? Or perhaps a way to change the font size?20160227_162049.jpg
  4. I have an X-Arcade Controller attached to my PC running LaunchBox and it is very hard to navigate a large game list with just the joystick. Is there any shortcut to jump on the list one letter at a time? In fact even with a normal keyboard I cannot seem to find the shortcut to jump to another letter. Can I set up BigBox mode to launch games from the x-arcade buttons? Where is that done?
  5. After adding the MAME set I have some games on my list which did not pull any artwork after the initial pull (I pretty much ticket all locations for artwork including Emumovies) and it took like a day for the download but it did return a ton of 404 errors too. Is there a way to update artwork only for titles that have none? Or, can I somehow use MAME's artwork in LaunchBox?
  6. I have the MAME 0.170 full set and I am wondering how can I import only working games/no clones/no multiple revisions? Looking at RomLister for exporting a list via XML but I see no option to export to a Launchbox format. Is there another way I can filter out my ROMS?
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