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Posts posted by robbforce

  1. Tell me about it, it makes no sense! I also found that if I drop to desktop on the 4k, open Launchbox desktop mode and launch a game in RetroArch, it's in 4k, but once again if I open BigBox and launch the same game, it's in 720p. A console window pops up for a split second with BigBox, just before launch and I have no idea what it's doing. This is all on a fresh install of Launchbox and I can't seem to find out what's causing the resolution change with BigBox.

    Edit: I finally found it! For some reason the BigBox exe in the main folder had the High DPI override set for all users. From my remote desktop I changed compatibility properties for all users and unchecked the High DPI override box, which allowed BigBox to run at the desktop resolution.

  2. This was driving me crazy, but I've confirmed that BigBox is constraining Retroarch to a 720p resolution on a 4k TV and I'm not sure why. When I launch from BigBox, RetroArch detects a 720p resolution, so constrains the image to that. Even if I force the resolution in RetroArch to 1080p, it will be constrained to a 720p viewport and I'll only see the top left corner of the game. I decided to set up Playnite with Retroarch, using the same exact RA config that will match the desktop resolution and the games open (like a Game Boy rom) with a 4k resolution. I thought maybe it was because my Launchbox has updated configs over time, so I installed a fresh copy and imported some PSX games, then launched one using the RetroArch emu, same 720p problem. Oddly, if I launch a game from Launchbox in my remote desktop session, the games open fine to the set 1080p resolution.

    Is there a script I haven't found, that Launchbox executes before RetroArch, that sets/changes the resolution to 720p? Could it be trying to detect the TV resolution and failing, so falling back to 720p?

  3. I don't mean to raise the dead, but I've run into this problem of changing discs in the mednafen core of retroarch. I used the script from SpaceMidget75 (thank you) in the swap disc section of the emulation settings in Launchbox, but hcould only find a key mapping for next disc in retroarch, specifically input_disk_next = "d", which works to get me to the next disc from the pause menu just fine, but it doesn't loop back to the first disc. Is there another configuration setting for a loop? I ask because GTA London prompts immediately for the GTA1 disc, so I created a m3u with both chds for the swap, but then once it reads it, it asks for the London disc again, which I'd have to go through the retroarch UI to do.

    Seems like a solution would be to loop back to the first disc in the index on a next, or split the swap disc script in Launchbox to swap next and swap previous.

  4. SentaiBrad said This is clear in our Guidelines, multiple discs doesn't mean multiple entries, it's still the same game. I get they are two different modes, but they're apart of the same game limited by Disc Size not being different games. PS1 had 700mb-ish discs.
    This confused me for a moment, I meant the actual picture of the disc, especially in the Final Fantasy examples. I think we can agree that Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy IV are not the same game, but they do share a single entry, currently. Since the topic was about the database, I just wondered what the plan was for handling these games.
    We probably wont giveaway Easter Egg's, I'd like to see people explore and I don't want us to spoil all that.
    That was my bad example of "additional content" that might be within a game ported to multiple systems. Where I'm leading with this, if I was going to play a game that had releases on PS2, Xbox, Gamecube and Dreamcast, I'd find it helpful to know the Dreamcast release was slightly superior graphically, but the PS2 release had exclusive content. And another idea just formed, other relationships, like "Remake of ...", "Precedes ...", "Follows ..." (or "Prequel to ...", "Sequel to ...") would be cool. Certainly nice-to-haves but as you capture more info, it should help your games database stand out from the others.
  5. Are there plans to handle multi-disc games, where the second disc offers a different experience? For example, I attempted to split the "Gran Turismo 2" entry for PS2 into two entries, one for the arcade disc, the other for the simulation, but this was rejected. The two offerings are very different experiences within the same overall framework, with slight differences in their disc images and could have different descriptions. Other examples: Final Fantasy Chronicles Disc 1 - Chrono Trigger Disc 2 - Final Fantasy IV Final Fantasy Anthology Disc 1 - Final Fantasy V Disc 2 - Final Fantasy VI Other things I'd like to see were mentioned by Cebion already, so I'll +1 for "Game sets" and "Also on xxx system", with a comment field to describe notable differences, like "Dreamcast: Enhanced graphics and audio. There's an easter egg when you enter this room and hit the left wall to make Sonic appear momentarily on screen."
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