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Posts posted by falcon

  1. I wanted to see if there is a theme or a way to setup the game list to look like one of the Critical Zone Platform views. The one I want is where the video is full screen and the wheel can be on the side or bottom but when you have stop moving the wheel it will auto hide and all you see is full video.





  2. There is a file called daphne_log.txt in the daphne folder. Open it clear it and save the file. Then in daphne run the game let it load and then exit. When you reopen the daphne_log.txt you will see the command line that should work for you.  Here is what my file looks like. The red line is where I get the command line from. (just make sure that all things are pointing to the right place.)  Create a corba.bat file and put that line in just like I listed above. Then in Launchbox edit cobra game and under Launcher application path point to the cobra.bat file. Under emulator uncheck the box where it says to Use an emulator. When you run the game it should run all the info from the corba.bat file.

    --DAPHNE version 1.0.12
    --Command line is: daphne.exe cobraab vldp -framefile D:\Daphne\vldp\cobra\cobra.txt -blank_searches -min_seek_delay 1000 -seek_frames_per_ms 20 -homedir Z:\roms\Daphne -bank 0 00000000 -bank 1 01000000 -sound_buffer 2048 -fullscreen -x 640 -y 480 
    --CPU : AuthenticAMD 3500 MHz || Mem : 2048 megs
    --OS : Windows NT Derivative || Video : AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series
    --OpenGL: Compiled In
    --RGB2YUV Function: MMX
    --Line Blending Function: MMX
    --Audio Mixing Function: MMX
    Setting alternate home dir:
    Setting sound buffer size to 2048
    Setting screen width to 640
    Setting screen height to 480
    Set 640x480 at 32 bpp with flags: 80000001
    Initializing sound system ... 
    Joystick #0 was successfully opened


    Hope this helps,



  3. Hey Daytona24,

    I had the same problem and I made a .bat file with this in it and it works fine now in Launchbox. Just set your paths for your system.


    @echo off
    cd data
    @start Z:\roms\Daphne\Daphne.exe cobraab vldp -framefile Z:\roms\Daphne\vldp\cobra\cobra.txt -blank_searches -min_seek_delay 1000 -seek_frames_per_ms 20 -homedir Z:\roms\Daphne -bank 0 00000000 -bank 1 01000000 -sound_buffer 2048 -fullscreen -x 640 -y 480 



  4. I am working on building a full size cabinet and trying to make a decision on what buttons and joysticks to use. For button I don't care about LED lights but want the concave buttons. Happ is the type that I am used to. Is Happ the way to go or is there somebody else that makes a button like them. Joysticks also I like the older american type the bat type. I was looking at the Mag-Stick Plus which lets you change from 4 way to 8 way by pulling the stick up and turning it. Any help or guidance would be great.


    Also if anybody needs a questions answered be my guest and ask you questions here also. 



  5. I wanted to ask about a few features that I may not see but maybe there. One is when you have selected roms tagged as hide. Is there a way that when in Launchbox when you select to show hidden roms that maybe there is a way to identifies that which roms are the hidden ones maybe like a H in the corner of the picture. Also I see that there is a scroll bar on the side of Launchbox to scroll down but is there one so you can select a letter like an a-z bar? 





  6. The cool thing is in the CP Wizard app you can build your controller panel just like you have on your arcade cabinet (1, 2, 3, 4 player also stuff like spinners and trackballs) and each game you load it will map it to that controller that you designed. No need to download each one for each game it displays it on the fly.

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  7. I'm not sure if I did something or not, but after I add videos to LaunchBox and ran BigBox I get a sound that keeps looping. For example if I load BigBox and click on Arcade the first game that I have that loads is 005. When the video starts to preview sometimes the first 3 or 4 seconds of the audio keeps looping. No matter where I go to in BigBox the sound keeps repeating even in the BigBox menu. It happens like 60% of he times I load BigBox and if it does not happen right way it may pickup sound from another game. Thanks for any help, Falcon
  8. no nothing i see that I need. I downloaded the bezels for mame and that is all I would have used it for just did not know if there was anything else worth using it for. Thanks
  9. I am new to the whole front-end apps. Been playing around with Hyperspin for a while and just was taking so long to get any where. From a video that Simply Austin talked and showed LaunchBox I was hooked. I have done more in LB then I ever could in HS. Also the growth and support that LB is getting from the developers and the community is great and is going to make LB I think the best FE. But to my question is RocketLauncher worth running and what is the benefits of having it with LB? Thanks Falcon
  10. I wanted to ask if there is a way to set a temp folder for when you load a game that if copies it to the folder for game play and then when you quit the game or LB that the temp folder is cleared? Thanks Falcon
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