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Posts posted by mireofthedeep

  1. mathflair said LaunchBoxTools does not create any new entries in your launchbox file, just adds data to existing ones. It sounds like that is what is happening, correct?
    Yes, correct. I misunderstood what the original workflow was meant to do. My goal was to just quickly recreate the "xml database" from scratch. If I understood: the correct flow with these tools is to 1) import roms to LB (import duplicates to get different languages in) (don't scrape anything to make it faster) 2) use LBTools to repopulate data in LauchBox.xml 3) use LBTools to rename&remove items based on language preference (though.. you need the images, sounds, etc to get them be renamed correctly) Hmm...
  2. DOS76 said Do you have LaunchBox running if so the XML won't change
    Nope. I even copied the XML to a different folder. Ran the LaunchBoxTool as admin. Also my user is the creator and owner of that file (and also an Administrator). I added all the TG-16 games to LaunchBox to get a proper "LB.xml". Still this doesn't do anything to that wiht the sselp scraper. The System INI scraper actually added data to the EXISTING items. That did not want to create new items from scratch either. I think my expectations on what this LBTools app is about are wrong perhaps?
  3. My aim is to create LaunchBox dataset for an empty system based on just the ROM file names and bunch of Images/Sounds/etc. But the LaunchBox.xml is not being updated by Scrape. Used sselphs scraper.exe (on Win10):
    scraper.exe -rom_dir pceng -output_file gamelist_pceng.xml -download_images=false -workers 4
    That create a nice "gamelist_pceng.xml" with good looking data. Items like these:
    <gameList> <game id="8205" source="theGamesDB.net"> <path>./Adventure Island (Japan).zip</path> <name>Adventure Island (Japan)</name> <desc>Poor Hu-Man! he just isn't his old self. Trying to escape from the evil dragon Mecha, he's transformed into the horrific Lizard Man! Get ready to kick some serious dragon tail, because 5 more are waiting to stop you. Each is more vicious than the last. And each turns Hu-Man into a different kind of total gross out! Slash 'em, burn 'em, and blow 'em away! Then capture the Salamander Cross to break the DRAGON'S CURSE.</desc> <image>./images/Adventure Island (Japan)-image.jpg</image> <releasedate>19910101T000000</releasedate> <developer>Hudson Soft</developer> <publisher>NEC</publisher> <genre>Adventure</genre> <players>1</players> </game>
    Started LaunchBoxTools.exe: Selected "LaunchBox.xml", and from "Scrape" menu "sselph/scraper" and pointed that to the "gamelist_pceng.xml". I was under the impression that pressing "Scrape" would populate the "LaunchBox.xml" with the data from sselph's scraper.exe. But it does nothing. Test (All) shows and empty dialog box. This happens with all boxes ticked or with default ticks. I had one -item in my "LaunchBox.xml" (needed to import that to make the Platform selectable in LaunchBoxTool). Also tried with no games in the XML file. Am I missing something here?
  4. sselph said I also provide windows binaries at https://github.com/sselph/scraper/releases although I don't want to discourage installing Go Smile
    Tried to build using Go and it was surprisingly simple. Though I ended up downloading all the dependencies manually using git in command line (I'm sure there is an automated way to do it). Just wanted to chime in and give thanks too ,)
  5. Hi! Testing LaunchBox and importing few SNES ROMs just now. Great app, big thanks! Scraping metadata is slow. It is happening, but it is slow. I'm sure sooo many folks have scraped and re-scraped this same data over and over again. Shouldn't we just have a torrent for a Sane Starting Set (tm) of banners, images, screenshots, etc for different platforms? I'm not looking for pirated EmuMovies or some such. That kind of stuff could be downloaded separately. I mean.. Having a game list XML and corresponding set of metadata as a single compressed download (torrent, ftp,..) to match No-Intro sets would be super duper great. Game list for SNES No-Intro could use some sane sorting like "USA > EU > JPN". All you do is acquire the ROM set (legally of course), download the Sane Set of platform metadata, and set paths in LaunchBox to point to these. BOOM: full set. Then anyone who wants to add/remove/change things can easily do that if they so wish. Am I missing something? Does this exist already? Is the LB Game DB trying to monetise this (couldn't really figure it out)? I'm just finding it to be such a waste that everybody scrapes these one-by-one, ends up with few missing items, etc etc. Instructions like these: https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/features/launchboxannotator-tool for scraping gamelist.xml's from ROM files sparked my imagination. Folks have created proper full sets. It's just a waste of time for others to try to repeat time and time again.
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