Jason Carr said
Sounds like I've got a glitch to work on there with the resolutions. Thanks guys. :)
Well it seems it was not normal and it wasn't reported by anyone until I came in :P, I just play on window mode so I find it important to change the resolution. I hate playing on fullscreen. so thank you Jason!
But thanks for your help Zombeaver! I am sure I won't bother you. I actually spent the evening planning how I would do the transition if I need better settings for a game, or on any game I load (I don't add games often since I add games when I play them)
But I found a workflow, I just grabbed the Prof file from Dfend reloaded, open it on Notepad++
the settings are there so to make it work only need to change =1 to true and =0 to false so Launchbox would load it fine. but there are some lines frameskip=0, dma=1 and dma1=1, so if there is a normal replace it would turn those values to false or true, and while Launchbox convert them to 1 or 0 again, I wanted to go and make it look nice right away, just to be ready to load.
so I used expression to search for
(?<!dma)(?<!dma1)(?<!frameskip)(=1$) and replace it for =true
(?<!dma)(?<!dma1)(?<!frameskip)(=0$) and replace it for =false
Then I loaded the prof file (sounds like a good point to rename the file to conf lol) in Launchbox click on edit, now it should load the file with all the settings. nothing special, Launchbox seems to add few lines but everything loads fine.
But Dfend Reloaded seems to have a lot of extra stuff for the autosetup, junk for Launchbox so I wanted to go further and remove all the extra stuff that DFend Reload and make it look nice like if it was done through Launchbox.
All I did was I click edit the prof/conf file again, I went back to notepad++ deleted/replaced everything in that prof with dosbox.conf text from Launchbox folder and saved the file with the default dosbox.conf info.
Then it was just about going back to Launchbox and clicked Ok to save again the values, and since I had the dosbox.conf structure in the file, the values would be updated in that way, which means they looked finally nice, like if they were made by Launchbox.
it might seem like too much for just a profile and make a conf file for individual games, but I trust D-Fend Reloaded settings on many games, so at least I don't have to manually tweak anything, or if I do it, would be just because default DosBox.conf and the one taken from DFR just don't work!
But I found a way to import the game and take the settings from DFR. not straight forward but good enough for me! better than full manual tweaking like I would have had to do.
It's not like I add games in bulk, I just add the ones I will play so I make sure everything is okay.
Anyway thank you! have a good day both of you.