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8-Bit Processor

8-Bit Processor (3/7)



  1. Please someone help, Idk what´s going on here. I can´t show the screenshots of the game that I usually keep under the Flyer of my games. I have tried everything and nothing happens- The last time it did it was last noght, then I tried other Themes and the screenshots never showed up again. Can someone tell me what I{m doin wrong?
  2. OK! So I went back to 7.10 and it works again! I suppose that the beta version did something my pc didnt like. I appreciate your help, you guys are awesome!!!
  3. Will do so!
  4. for some reason I can´t get the link to my email address to download launchbox again. my year subscription ended, would that be the problem?
  5. I don´t think so. One day it was working just fine, and the next it stopped completely.
  6. Please someone help me. After more than a year working on lauchbox and bigbox, the software doesn´t load anymore. When I start it, it doesn´t load at all. I am so sad, can someone give me some advice? thank you!
  7. Well, finally today I fixed everything up. I ended up changing to a diferent mame version uifx0.159 audited roms, and set LB with that default emulator. And it worked! FInally, I was so depressed not being able to run my Arcade with bigbox, and it makes such huge diference! Thank you so much brad and lordmonkus fot your valuable help. Many blessings, here my Arcade
  8. as a last hope I leave you the screen I get when I get the error. I have doubled checked the right files and if they ran on mame no prob.
  9. I think LB is trying to find the roms at launchbox/games/arcade, I tried changing the arcade settings with note++, changing all the lines to the right path like I was advised, however I thing it's not working. There are a couple games that I left in this folder and they work. What am I doing wrong? Should I try a fresh new install and then overwrite the right files and folders? This is crazy...
  10. oh, these are just my mame games. I run mame 0.168 with them and I audited them all. For some reason though, some of them don't load anymore through my LB. boo hoo
  11. guys...everything went to shit again!!! I am so fed up...Now some roms load and other don't, I checked with the emulator directly and runs the roms fine. What in the world could it be???
  12. lordmonkus that made it! I have to do the same for each platform but it's easy. I thank you all guys very much, you guys are the shitsnitz!
  13. Thank you for all the advise. I got things to where I don't get that error anymore. I had to manually correct the emulator settings to the right harddrive. The problem I face now is that for my arcade games is reading the incorrect path. Instead of looking going to letter D: is going to C:, that means that I would have to correct one of each of the 1740 games I have going to the right path. Is there an easier way to correct this? Please help me I am so close to get my arcade running back again.
  14. I tried moving to my root c: and didn't work. I do see all my metadata, but all the emulators are gone. I tried reseting the path to where the emulators are and then got the error again. "Check the xml file in the error message and see if it has read and write permissions or just read. " where do I find that xml?
  15. Hi Brad, I will try it right now, thank you!
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