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Everything posted by OrochiMishima

  1. Hello I decided to make a new tab in the Platform menu for fighting games, I created the tab but and started adding games and made sure to chose the right emulator for every game but i couldn't get the retroarch games to run.. only the MAME games work, what am I missing ?
  2. Hello everyone I'm using Retroarch for emulation and everything working perfect except one thing came up when i tried to set a second player I use a XBOX one controller and planing to use arcade stick (Quanba Q1) for player 2 The problem is when i plug the arcade stick both the xbox and the arcade stick stop working in Retroarch in game and retroarch UI Anyone know how to fix this ?
  3. Hello i updated my launch box 2 days ago and now I can't delete games from launchbox I tried by right clicking the game poster then clicking "Delete" and nothing happened, any idea's ?
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Video background for BigBox from the anime Neo Tokyo 1987
  5. Neo Tokyo Background Video View File Video background for BigBox from the anime Neo Tokyo 1987 Submitter OrochiMishima Submitted 06/13/2017 Category Big Box Custom Themes
  6. Ok i just tried draging Kodi to the platforms list and its showing that i can't, then i added it just like adding new platform and it worked But now in BigBox i have to click Kodi tap then from there click Kodi, also Kodi was repeated cuz there's only 1 item inside, is there a way to make it start when i click it from the platforms menu ?
  7. Again, Thank you very much
  8. Hello So i'm almost done with my BB build and i'm working on the last thing and its Kodi i watched few videos of how to Add BB shortcut inside Kodi But is there a way to add Kodi shortcut inside BigBox? cuz i want my PC to start with BigBox not Kodi Thank you.
  9. Hello Is there a way to change the default emulator for a system without having to do the process from the start again?
  10. @neil9000 @DOS76 Thank you :>
  11. Hello Is there a way to import the PC games that aren't installed on C drive ? I tried the " Import > Windows games.. " Option but it did not work, it looks like its looking in the wrong place /:
  12. No i dont have a card attached its just an account i charge it using paypal cards /: , anyway thanks for the reply
  13. Hello First I'm sorry if im posting in the wrong section My question is is there a way to buy launchbox via paypal ? It's the only easiest way for me to buy stuff online.. Thnx
  14. Hi I'm thinking of using/Buying LaunchBox but i have a question Is there a way to make a LaunchBox PC? not sure if LaunchBox can do that but i'm thinking of building a pc just for LaunchBox that boots to it and shutdown when i close it witout having to deal with anything that is windows.. keyboard and mouse (after setting up everything ofc).. something like retropie or recalbox, is it possible? Thank you.
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