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4-Bit Adder

4-Bit Adder (2/7)



  1. I guess it depends on emulator and its settings. I use default retroarch with mednafen_psx_libretro.dll and it works just fine.
  2. Sure
  3. Yes it's all default as with all other platforms. I've found something, maybe it will help - I've started to exclude roms from the list before updating them and after I've excluded rom "V2000 (Europe).7z" everything was ok. I tried this several times and everytime if v2000 was not in the list update was successful. I have no idea what's wrong with this rom =)
  4. I've installed latest Launchbox release 7.1 from scratch and started to import all the roms I have. Everything was fine except for PS1 - for some reason none of EmuMovies content was downloaded for this platform at all (manuals, movies etc.). I can still download all these files for individual roms with "Download Metadata and Images ..." wizard, but not for the whole list (and I have like 500 roms). What went wrong?
  5. I export my xml file to Microsoft Excel to where things go wrong, but doing this right in Launch Box UI will be much easier.
  6. Is there a way to add custom columns in a list view? I have a lot of games for many different systems so It would be great to see if my roms are associated with certain Gamesdb ID. Or see the original rom name next to display name to see if it's associated correctly.
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