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Everything posted by Prags

  1. Prags


    @lordmonkus Thnx about the picture. Nops, I never tought about talk with Jason about license. But now, I will, At least, to say sorry about this problem. What's the best channel to talk with Jason?
  2. Prags


    It's basically what he said. I don't have money NOW to buy the license. We did what we can to pay (a little, I know) and use the app. When I can, I always buy an original game (just see my Steam account, there's a lot of games, but I bought most of them on Flash Sales and I pay on REAL (BR money) . 1 Real = 3,35 Dollar + Taxes (Credit Card). We pay a lot in Brazil for games, so we do what we can do. Just for example: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 for XBOX ONE: 350 REAIS ( https://www.microsoft.com/pt-br/store/p/dragon-ball-xenoverse-2-deluxe-edition-pre-order-bundle/c45t6g9vw7v8 ) Do you know what that means? The minimun wage on Brazil is R$ 880,00 ... A lot of people work 1 month to gain just 880R$... ONE game cost almost half of what (It's not my case, it's just an example). I’m not trying to make excuses. I’m just saying the facts. If Jason decide to delete our license, so do it. It’s totally understandable, because we are wrong and that is a fact too. In the future I hope have some money to pay for a license just for me (lifetime preferably, because, yes, Launchbox is a great program). Again, sorry for the problems. And like Student, I cant undertand the reason to show our emails/real names. The “Father” could send this just to Mods/Jason … And sorry for my English. I can ready easy , but write .. =P
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