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Posts posted by DebonairGamer

  1. Hi, newbie trying to get the right settings here to have BigBox show up correctly on my 21:9 monitor. It looks great, but after tinkering with a few of the settings, and dropping in themes I've downloaded, I think its best I just leave it to the original way it was setup when I first opened BigBox. I cannot find an easy way to reset the settings and way it was easily, and I cannot remember how it was -- does anyone know how to get it back to the way it came? I'd hate to trash Launchbox / BigBox and redownload it and then have to re-download all the coverart and stuff again for each ROM...

    Thank you in advance for any input you can give...! 
    (Also, if anyone knows of a good 21:9 theme that would be awesome too)

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