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  1. Looks like that works perfect. Or at least, best I can tell remoting into the arcade machine. Thanks again for all the help!
  2. For what Im trying to do with castle crashers its: Application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\VJoy\VJoy.exe Command line Parameters: -enable 1 -file "c:\program files (x86)\vjoy\castlecrashers.ini" On exit: -enable 0 or -exit Exit kills the program, and is what led me to see that it was executing early as opposed to just not working. Enable 0 leaves Vjoy running but just turns it off, either one works I guess.
  3. Yep, different ID. Log.txt shows PID 3176 at the start run of the batch file, and the end batch file run, 1.7s later, shows no tasks. With game up, it was PID 5860
  4. Well if you write it, Id be happy to have it =D
  5. I dont know if you are familiar with the program Closemul.exe, but it came around like I dunno, 5 years ago as a inbetween to try and do stuff like this. Basically from your front end you would launch closemul with arguments, and it had its own ini to launch the emulator, along with features like killing emulator processes with esc key, running additional apps, mounting virtual drives before emu launch, and demounting after, etc. You would basically put a copy of closemul.exe and its ini in every emulator directory to customize how its launched independent of front end. Then the front end calls closemul and passes the rom name. At any rate, that may work for this, cause closemul may stay open while it launches castle crashers, then LB checks for Closemul.exe instead of castle.exe.... I dunno ill try it. It is good to know its not all steam games though. Again thanks for the help.
  6. Seems to work correctly for Pac-Man CE DX, which is being run off its steamid. So yeah, maybe just a particular problem with Castle Crashers...
  7. Im like 95% certain steam was already up, will play with that as well and report back.
  8. Yeah, a delay may be all it needs, like dont check for exit app until at least 5s past startup or the like... I thought the start and relaunch was the issue with it trying to run from the steam url, and had hoped pointing it directly to the castle.exe would have fixed that possibility. But maybe it is reopening itself for some reason. Im at work and remoting into my arcade machine, so doing watching the process ID would be tricky, I can check that out when I get home and report back. Thanks again for the help.
  9. Right, its a steam import. Originally it was launching the steamid link, Itried changing it to the actual exe of the game, thinking along those same lines that the before/after may be tied to the item in the launcher path. Castle.exe is whats it pointing to, and what the process is called if I check it out while its running. I made the logging batch file, and saw cmd prompt windows pop one after another when launching the game. Heres some more screens to help.
  10. Good idea. I'll try that next chance I get. Thanks for the help.
  11. I removed both and readded, same behavior. Next ill try adding a whole new game entry for Castle Crashers, and see if that does it. Getting the after to fire "after" is obviously what I would want eventually, but if I cant get it to stop firing before the game launches, then it doesnt really matter. Any other thoughts on how to prevent it from going off immediately?
  12. I'm exiting with the exit game option inside the game, nothing fancy. I can try redoing the additional apps, may get a chance tomorrow, but there's not like there's a lot of options that I could have chosen incorrectly.
  13. I have an IPAC on arcade sticks and am trying to load Headsoft Vjoy profiles at the start of Castle Crashers, then exit out at the end. The start vjoy works fine, and the end vjoy works fine when I run them separately, but if I tag the "End Vjoy" application to run after, it seems to run both additional apps immediately once I run the game. In the attached picture, I have End Vjoy not automatically running, because its the only way I could get it to work. Ive tried running Castle Crashers both as the runsteamid string and pointing it to the executable, but it seems to do the same thing. Its like its not pausing in between the before and after runs. Is there any other way to try and automatically run the vjoy string? My only other thought is to do it outside of Launchbox through Closemul or something like that, but Id really like to just do it in Launchbox as it seems like it has the capability, its just not working for me. Any help would be appreciated.
  14. Found it in big box, hit escape to back out enough times to find the options. Guessing there is no way in regular Launch Box cause its supposed to be used with mouse or gamepad only.
  15. As noob as it gets, but I can't find how to set key bindings for the keyboard on either launch box out big box... Trying to bend the app to my ipac settings instead of the other way around. Am I just being retarded or am I missing a whole configuration area? Thanks.
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