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Everything posted by AinsWorth

  1. Awesome
  2. Not on my end.. Edit: Website is down for me, Rom scraper and login are up.
  3. Its been down since last night..
  4. The only thing I am doing through team viewer is unlocking the media center. everything else is done with out. Is their a crash log anywhere? That I could post. Edit: I dont have alot of time today and my kids want to play I am reverting back to 6.9 until I have more time. Works fine on that version regardless of what system I use.
  5. I just woke up and tried it again... not working now. the only think I added was snes9x. Going to do some more trouble shooting.. I am going to use this post as my troubleshooting log. It will be edited as I go Removed snes9x, It works ok on playstation 2. PPSSPP its locking up. I am remoting into my media center using team viewer. Pure system lock, takes me a bit to get team viewer to get CTRL ALT DEL to work to get task manager up to end task. The Media Center can't do it on its own. Also to point out. Running through PPSSPP with out bigbox works fine. Also I have this same exact install on another PC and it all works fine....
  6. Its Working!!!! I did a complete uninstall, then opened explorer and did a search for launchbox. I then deleted anything and everything. Reinstalled newest version and it seems to be working now.. Just some info I am running Kodi with launch box extension. So I can enjoy my movies and my games. Everything is up to date as of now. I will report back if I have anymore trouble.. Going to re add my collection, and some themes.
  7. They all Work out side of bigbox. All systems. its only when I am in launchbox that everything locks up after exiting a game. Just did a complete fresh install, I am testing everything.
  8. Bump, I am still on 6.9 upgrading to 7.10 and I still have this issue. Any help would be great.
  9. Hmm, Does no one have any other suggestions?
  10. You mean User/Launchbox/updates.. Yea I saw that. Files look like this "3a42cf76-ddde-4ada-bff9-a2aff22ee2af"
  11. https://www.dropbox.com/s/vz02qw0pnwkvt4q/LaunchBox-6.9-Setup.exe?dl=0 Thats where I got 6.9.. Good luck!
  12. I feel ya, I went back to 6.9 so I don't have this issue currently. I may wait till 8.0 before I update again.
  13. Yes it is set to use all controllers. No I am using emulators not retroarch. The emulators I am using are the ones called for when adding emulators. When I add them to Launchbox, I have nothing set on command lines... Everything is pretty much default.
  14. I have a similar issue. Windows 10 using PS 3 blutooth rock candy controllers Any version after 7.1 locks up. Currently I am on 6.9 and its working fine. Entering the nes game is fine everything works great. After I leave game. Suddenly, I cant leave game info and if I try to play game again or move around to much it locks up. I get no error report and ending the task through task manager is the only way to get out. "or Resetting" Need some idea's guys. Systems this happens on. NES, SNES, Sega Genesis. I have no other systems then that. Thank you in advance. Operating System: Windows 10 Home 64-bit (10.0, Build 14393) System Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6300 CPU @ 3.80GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.8GHz Memory: 8192MB RAM Available OS Memory: 8124MB RAM Page File: 3154MB used, 6250MB available DirectX Version: DirectX 12
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