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  1. stacymc

    Mame problems

    Thats it!! Fixed it ?? Thank you
  2. stacymc

    Mame problems

    Thanks ill give it a go,put a film on now. Thanks for all the replies tho all ?
  3. stacymc

    Mame problems

    the keyboard provider dinput? Line?
  4. stacymc

    Mame problems

    Its very old tbh think 0.151 Maybe I should grab a new set,am I right thinking the chds don't need replacing with a new set?
  5. stacymc

    Mame problems

    Ticked them now,but nothing. Not even showing its trying to launch mame anymore at all.
  6. stacymc

    Mame problems

    Yes updated today
  7. stacymc

    Mame problems

  8. stacymc

    Mame problems

    It only opens mame if I right click a game & select open mame. If i just double click to launch ,mame briefly try to start but doesn't open.
  9. stacymc

    Mame problems

    Altered it to match the roms path,so deffs right. When turn splash screen of it shows it trying to open mame but doesn't actually open it.
  10. stacymc

    Mame problems

    Not sure tbh,I've never touched the .ini ever before thought it auto generated it. I have altered the roms path,maybe I need do the exe of mame to. In answer to your question the mame exe is in that folder yes tho.
  11. stacymc

    Mame problems

    I did a re import in the vain hope it would sort this problem out lol. Unfortunately same problem exists.
  12. stacymc

    Mame problems

  13. stacymc

    Mame problems

    Yes if I right click open mame it opens.i can see another tab starts to open but closes & fails. The roms are in the "roms" folder of mame.i cannot see anything in the mame config file that points to roms path
  14. stacymc

    Mame problems

    Same place they always were.it just shows loading splash screen then back to launchbox.
  15. stacymc

    Mame problems

    Just to add i have re imported the games today,all file paths are fine cannot figure out whats wrong at all
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