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4-Bit Adder

4-Bit Adder (2/7)



  1. Yep, no issues launching the games from Dolphin itself
  2. Launchbox and BigBox can launch games through Dolphin 5.0 just fine, but recent development versions of Dolphin (tested most recently with 5.0-3354) will crash when certain games load (Super Mario Galaxy and Mario Kart Wii crash, while Donkey Kong Country Returns doesn't). When crashing, Dolphin throws up the error code "*** Caught unhandled exception; terminating" The dev versions of 5.0 have made serious strides, so being able to launch through them would be nice.
  3. I'm running the creators update with older drivers and everything is working fine
  4. Mazjohn, I did a similar thing, except I uninstalled the driver and rolled back to the previous nvidia driver. that + updating bigbox to the latest beta allowed it to launch just fine.
  5. I am getting the same crash. 7600K/z270 board, gtx 970. Creator's Update.
  6. Hey all, Launchbox/BigBox already has a fairly robust voice control system in place, and numerous methods of getting a Google Home to talk to a PC already exist (Eventghost, IFTTT, etc.) It would be great if there were a way to send a command from the Home (say, "play game") that would be followed by the variable (name of the game to be played).
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