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Posts posted by RICKST20

  1. 12 hours ago, whoozwah said:

    looks great. Love that you tested it with dodonpachi :)

    Thanks ☺️

     Yeah i just had to test the shmup setup. And i couldn't think of a more perfect game to test with ?

    8 hours ago, alnyden said:

    Nice!  What vertical theme are you using for Big Box?

    Thanks ?

    I'm using the Default Vertical Custom theme created by Maddoc1007 i believe its in the download section on this forum! it works rather well for my needs. Pretty basic but does the job! 

  2. Hey all,

    First of all i have to give a big shout out to you unbroken devs because this software really is on point ?! It does exactly what it needs to and much much more. it really is turning out to be something special. So well done to you guys!

    So I've had the LaunchBox software for a while now and i had been toying with a crazy idea to build myself a little virtual pinball / vertical arcade machine.

    The main goal of this machine was CHEAP! I had all the materials laying around from various previous DIY projects and the monitor and 32" LCD were also freebies i had laying around. I didn't use any plans and just kind of went in blind. Its nothing special at all really and its a little rough around the edges but it works and it was very cheap to build. Now just need to tie up some loose ends, get some decals on it and then its all good to go. 

    The PC inside is kind of slow and somewhat sluggish at best with cpu tasks (something to update at a later time), and it does struggle with the actual software running and game play at times but overall its really quite playable. I currently have it set up on Win7 and it boots straight into bigbox and straight into my one and only platform category "Pinball" ?

    Using Pinball FX2 and FX3 via steam and it works great. 

    (Plans to add some Shmups and vertical mame games are in the works. The controls are there just need to decided which games to put in).

    So yeah here you go its nothing special but its fun and has given me, my friends and family countless hours of fun so far! 







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  3. Yeah its a little odd. It also throws up a second dmd screen dead centre of playfield. Even though the option is turned off in settings for dmd position! 

    Quite possibly could be a steam integration thing just have no idea.

    If i was able to source a standalone .exe for both fx2 and fx3 that had cabinet mode i dare say i wouldnt have this problem ? 

  4. Thanks for the reply,

    Enter is the only key that seems to work. Its selecting/cycling another letter on the dmd screen which is the problem. You can set it to use keyboard entry in menu without the dmd use, but it really spoils the immersion/fun having to reach for a keyboard each time to enter initials. 

    Seems to be an actual in-game issue. Will just have to wait it out to see if its patched soon ? 

  5. I can vouch for the custom vertical default theme! Using it for my virtual pin cab. Its basic but it works pretty well. Just a few text/font size issues from what i can see. I don't run a very beefy PC inside this cab so it is a little slow sometimes at the smallest of tasks but all in all this theme is working great for my needs :)

    Only using one platform but I have the game names set to show clear logos, with a small video clip of each table and the theme works great tbh!

  6. Hi all,

    Just about finished putting myself together a virtual pin table and i'm using bigbox in portrait rotation for my front end. Everything is running like a dream so far. I'm primarily running FX3 & FX2 through steam. A few laggy tables using FX3 but i still have FX2 installed for the original tables so not all bad.

    Anyway the question is....

    When you finish a table using FX3 and the high score entry pops up on the DMD, i cannot seem to enter my initials. The only entry i can do is "AAA" as the enter key seems to be the only button that works. Name entry works perfectly in FX2 so its not the Ipac2 i'm using. I have also tried switching back the option a few times in the FX3 menu to see if that works, but nope. I have even tried using a wireless keyboard to no avail! 

    Is this a known problem? am i missing something simple? or does anyone have a work around at all? really frustrating having to skip the name entry or just fill in AAA every time.

    Thought i would ask here, as i'm using Pinball FX in cabinet mode and i'm hoping some of you guys would surely know something about it that may help me out!



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