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Posts posted by rootshell

  1. I started reimporting all my platforms after beginning a new empty library with lightspeed, but now i get this everytime i click on Nintendo Game Boy:

    Is this a problem generated by lightspeed or LB?

    I was importing gbc while clicking on gb. Now that the import is done the error is gone.. Thank you!

  2. Nevermind, after reseting everything to default i forgot to change the MAME64.exe path again.

    My bad, sorry!

    EDIT: After generating the MAME.xml with the updater all games are listet on the export tab. All those popups also showed up when my path was wrong, so i never thought about LS not finding the exe. Maybe add an error dialog if that happens? Would have made my mistake obvious.

    Thank you!

  3. You cant choose where to install with Beta 7.

    EDIT: It chooses my previously selected folder automatically, but i dont want that.

    EDIT2: using Updater->MAME -listxml works now, and it also only takes about 1% of the time it took on Beta5.

  4. It would be nice to be able to scrape a platform after its already created, like the roms. For some reason a lot of my platforms dont have any data at all.
    Doing this manually is not a lot of work, but a slight inconvience. The scraper is already there, so i think an extra button/method would be easy to implement.

  5. I am now finished with importing, scraping and caching. Performance of LB didnt get better much when switching between platforms, but scrolling now runs fine.
    BB runs perfectly, not a single lag, slow loading nor any other hiccups. Just perfect. And that with all the media i could get including video for every game that is in emumovies DB.

    Edit: I feel the need to say that i am absolutely amazed. BigBox runs perfect even in UHD. Best decision ever to switch to LB!

  6. "Background Priorities" is what i was missing, thank you! I already bought a subscription so changing the settings is doable xD Where can i see if LB / BB is caching at the moment? Auto-play is already disabled so i will try and disable the info-bar and gamepad support. I didnt test BB for long, because i am still scraping Metadata one platform at a time and only test in between. And because my girlfriend seperated from me for now i only have a 6mbit connection instead of my old 200mbit. Thanks to the universe (and my lifetime subscriptions) im not impatient (but eager :x). This could also mean that LB is still caching in the background. I guess i should wait until i am finished scraping before i make up my mind on performance.

    Thanks a lot for your in-depth answer!

  7. I hope this is the right forum to post this.. When you start the artwork download assistant for already imported games and klick forward until you are at the step where you choose which media to download from emumovies you have a checkbox to check if you want to prioritize that media over LBDB and Wikipedia. In the german translation the meaning is reversed, so you would check if you want LBDB to be prioritized.

    Hope this helps. If you need help i can formulate a new sentence in german, but i guess you already have someone in the team to do that.


    BTW thanks for this amazing piece of software, i bought a new hdd to install Windows just so i can use LB! I really like it, only thing that i dont like is the performance of LB when you have a big collection, BB runs fine so far.

    EDIT: My specs are i7-6850K (6C,12T), 32GB DDR4, Samsung 850 SSD and Geforce 980ti, ~40k roms. These are a lot of roms but i expected better performance with this system.

    EDIT2: Is it possible to disable loading of backgrounds of any kind in LB when selecting a game? I really dislike that it changes all the time when looking through the list but didnt find any option in the settings. Maybe i am just blind 9_9

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