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Posts posted by legendkillajay

  1. 1 hour ago, neil9000 said:

    If you dont want Launchbox to download any media at import then you need to uncheck all the media options in the import wizard.


    Will it use my current images and videos if I do that ? I thought it would scan the folder anyway and only download any missing files no ? 

  2. I'm currently setting up a fresh install of launchbox but figured to save time I'd copy the images and videos folder from my previous setup. The issue is when I import my ROMs and it scrapes for media it seems to download a whole bunch of new files. Is launchbox ignoring what is already there ? Have I just created an headache by copying my old folders and am I wasting disk space ? 

  3. I'm running the Coverbox theme on my HDTV which Windows 10 recommends scaling at 300%. This causes the theme to look strange on certain platforms like PS1. I've tried the scaling overrides on the bigbox app properties in Windows but nothing seems to change. If I set Windows scaling to 100% and logout/in the theme displays correctly. Is there a way of getting the best of both worlds ?




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