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Posts posted by HerpDerp67

  1. On 12/28/2019 at 6:21 AM, Archivegamer said:

    I had same problem, I went into launchbox, right clicked on the game, selected edit, went to bottom, launcher, ROM file, the path looked correct, but I still pressed browse and chose the game, after that it started right up, it's happened to a bunch of my games today, but that fixes it every time

    Thank you. LB is akin to a VCR, if you do not use it, you have to re-learn to use it. 

  2. Your explanation was quite clear and concise. Apologies, I should have not used that word. I was just a bit concerned about my current setup of LB. I need to move my data (Dos, Windows) before I import the rest of the project. Thank you for the speedy reply. Apologies for being a bit dense.

  3. On 7/8/2021 at 1:21 PM, eXo said:


    To merge your eXoDOS v5 launchbox files into an existing launchbox installation, do the following:

    Run setup.bat

    copy .\data\platforms\MS-DOS.xml from the exodos folder to your launchbox folder
    copy .\data\playlists\* .xml from the exodos folder to your launchbox folder
    move .\Manuals\MS-DOS\*.* from the exodos folder to your launchbox folder
    move .\Music\*.* from the exodos folder to your launchbox folder
    move .\Plugins\*.* from the exodos folder to your launchbox folder
    move .\Images\MS-DOS\*.* from the exodos folder to your launchbox folder
    move .\eXo\*.* from the exodos folder to your launchbox folder

    Thanks Exo. The whole process was a little confusing. Should I delete all of MS-DOS / Windows games? I am also assuming that the pre-mentioned entries should be deleted before I migrate exodos into LaunchBox? Great project!

  4. I am having a similar problem in Retro arch with the dosbox cores. First I had to create a new entry for MS-DOS, but when I try to make a core association all of the dosbox cores do not show up. I tried doing a manual entry, but it will not let input the actual core that I need. Sorry, I did not mean to forum necro. Any suggestions are always welcome. 

    Oddly enough, all of my MS-DOS games are GOG games from collection.

  5. I've been using launchbox for some time now and I have encountered a problem. When I go into the add rom file(s) for my particular emulator I cannot add games that were deleted during the import process, it just defaults to the original games that I added when I first imported my game list. I tried to delete my games XML file without any success. In other words, While I was in the import process it will not add any more games that were deleted before the import process. As usual, any help would be greatly appreciated.




    ssss.PNGBy re-scanning my games I was able to import the rest of my collection. Now the arduous task of re-naming begins.

  6. On 3/21/2016 at 12:46 PM, Lordmonkus said:

    Just set it up like any other Retroarch emulator core in Launchbox, though you may have to edit the emulation windows core for the 7800. I think it defaults to Mess, just edit it so it's using the ProSystem core. Set the emulator to Retroarch and in the Associated Platforms window set Atari 7800 to -L "cores\prosystem_libretro.dll". Make sure you get the ProSystem core first though obviously.

    As per usual, you rock sir. Another system up and running. I'm starting to really like Retroarch.

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  7. Picture of what I'm getting. I'm also having problems while trying to create two separate emulator entries. When I create the first FS-UAE and then try to create the second FS-UAE UUID when I type in the associated platform (Commodore Amiga) it wants to switch from FS-UAE to FS-UAE UUID.



    Edit: For some unforeseen reason it now works, What's scary is I don't know how I got it to work lol


  8. On 9/24/2017 at 12:21 AM, vahacris said:

    Hi! Please help me with mz problem.


    After exporting UUID files to LB i trz to run them using launcher_uuid.exe but when i try the below error is occured:

    blob.thumb.png.1c6dfbd400bd1c1c345a2a5a37b35bd1.pngMaybe someone knows what this error mean (black window, in white window it is said in my language that program stop working, and i can closed the program or try to find the solution in internet and close the program).


    EDIT--> solution find! I just read previous post and find the solution. salute!



    This is the same error I get every time. I can run the games through LaunchBox but it does not import the config files for my WHDload files. The games stutter like the creator of the video said. What did you do to fix this, I'm almost completely out of patience, please help.

  9. 2 minutes ago, lordmonkus said:

    Glad it worked but thank @LuismaSP89 because he figured it out.

    I never run into this issue with the command line version because my first step after installing a new Mame is to generate a mame.ini in the Mame folder itself using the command line.

    Indeed. I still want to thank you for taking some of your time to help me out. Thank you.:)

  10. On 5/7/2017 at 5:50 AM, neil9000 said:

    I personally use colem for colecovision, its a standalone emu.


    Not trying to be a jackhole, but ColEm is just a dreadful program that refuses to work in Launchbox or Hyperspin. Apologies, I just warched Brad's tutorial using Mame. I will try this next weekend. 

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