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  1. Ah shit, I see lol.. I didn't realise LB doesn't install it just extracts.. I have just extracted it onto the same drive as my Storage from now on with the Roms/Emulators in the folder with it.. So I can just transfer it about as easy as that, I just need to make sure the drive letter is always Z:\ Thanks for the help.
  2. Thanks, Whenever I do my fresh install I have my OS on C:\ and my STORAGE is always Z:|, even if I have to manually change it just after fresh install. So I will install Launchbox on C:\ then copy the backup folder files to the new launchbox and it should all be like I never reformatted? UPDATE: Ok I installed Launchbox again, then I copied all the stuff that was in my Backup folder back into new Launchbox folders. When I open it nothings shows. I went into Backups, looked for newest file which was a WiiU one, renamed to Launchbox.xml and moved to root. Now it shows my Wii U category and the games I had installed, but the artwork is not there. Does that mean I need to manually add it all in again? Do I also need to rename all the category files to Launchbox and move in one by one?
  3. Thanks for reply.. I have all my emulators and roms/iso on my external drive but I had Launchbox installed on my OS SSD. So looks like I will need to reinstall LB and use the XML method.. i did make a copy of the backups folder just incase.
  4. I have my Launchbox all nice and organised with artwork and games renamed to their correct ID's. I need to reformat my PC though and do a fresh install of windows 10. Is there any way I can save this so when I reinstall launchbox I don't have to manually add and edit all the stuff again? Thanks
  5. Hi, I just started to download and build a big library for Launchbox.. so far I have Atari 2600, Commodore 64, Nintendo 64, Nintendo DS, NES, SNES, Gamecube, SEGA Genesis, PS1, PS2, Wii. Is there any other ones I have missed or you recommend me downloading? Thanks
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