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Everything posted by GrantX360

  1. Thanks for the response, will try this.
  2. Hi, I have had all sorts of problems with DeSmuMe not launching and having various issues with resizing when using OpenGL. So I have started using Medusa, it works really well for DS. I configured this in launchbox but it doesn't launch fullscreen but works fine. I added the argument '--fullscreen' to the emulator config which then launches the emulator fullscreen but doesn't then boot the game. there is no option within the Emu to 'Always switch to fullscreen'. Can anyone advise the best way to make this work. I assume the emulator is launching and then taking the first argument '--fullscreen' and then not taking the game path supplied. Any help appreciated
  3. Hello, Within both BigBox and Launchbox I have configured the hotkeys to exit the emulators. This works flawlessly for all emulators except Mednafen for Sega Saturn. Where I press Select and Start on my 360 Pad and nothing happens. To exit the emulator you need to press ESC. I went into the config file in mednafen to configure the buttons to exit the emulator (both with notepad++ and SHIFT + F2 in game) but it only seems to allow you to configure a combination of keypresses. For example select then start, rather than hold select and press start. I know its very minor, but for continuity I would like to keep all the emulators exit methods the same. How to people setup Launchbox hotkeys for Mednafen? Thanks
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