Ok, I'm new. I love all the features for launchbox so I bought the premium launchbox. I'm having an issue that I can't figure out. I've searched all over the net and found similar issues but none of the solutions work.
Here it is :
I go to play a game and it doesn't play. Launchbox will minimize and start the emulator but it won't start the game. I can load the game manually and all is well and working.
It did this when I had retroarch installed and now it's doing it with Kega fusion. All the games and all the systems are doing this. Sega CD games load the emulator and play the cd-rom screen for Kega. 32x games load the emulator but it just displays the Sega start up screen. Same with game gear, loads the emulator but not the game.
I iterate, all the games work flawlessly outside of launchbox with Kega fusion. Even when launchbox loads the emulator I can rt click inside Kega and manually load the rom and it works.
I don't know what's happening here, all the files and bios are in the right place. I know it's something simple that's causing this but I can't figure it out. Please help.
I included pics of the emulator settings in launchbox.