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  1. I'm so confused right now. I did everything? that the manual told me to do. I have both zipped and unzipped versions of the game. When I open the unzipped game folder I see this. Launchbox doesn't detect it because there are no .exe files. What am I doing wrong?
  2. I'm having issues. I read the manual the came with the massive download. I'm confused though. Do I move the whole Exodos folder to where my launchbox exe is? Do I only move the Exodos subfolder which only contains the games etc? Do I move it to my launchbox games MSDOS folder? I did the whole copy and past files that I was supposed to do. I run launchbox and see a MSDOS list of the unplayable games. I know I'm doing something stupid.
  3. Wow! Great! Thank you! I'm learning something new every day!
  4. I have a full 0.202 mame romset in use. Everything works as intended. When I play Congo Bongo that came with that romset, the sound is not all there. Now when I watch other peoples videos of them playing Congo Bongo in mame, their sound seems to be working just like it did back in the 80s. I get my romsets from a reputable site also. Any word or advice on this? Thank in advance!
  5. I used the full set installer feature and imported my full set of arcade rooms. Everything is great so far. BUT, now when I import another system like Atari 5200, it sets it up like I did for the arcade roms and not like the good ol way of doing it. When I associate a platform with MAME, it goes through the arcade setup, not the way I did it before. It seemed to start doing it right after I utilized the full romset importer feature. Is this normal?
  6. Colecovision and Intellivision games were running perfectly fine until I did a clean install to Mame 0.202. I set everything up the same way I had it before and now when I click on a game to start it, it says initializing and goes back to Launchbox. I did everything I could think of. I created a new mame.ini file. I deleted the old mame emulator selection in Launchbox and entered it again, using the same way I had it set up before. All rom paths are pointing to the same place they were pointing before etc. Bios are still in the folders with the roms etc. Just to see if it was mame itself, I installed my arcade games for the first time and they work fine while in mame. I haven't setup launchbox for them yet because it takes awhile. Anyways, WTH did I do and how can I fix this? How can I test my colecovision and Intellivision games within mame gui to see if they work there? Any help is greatly appreciated!
  7. Thanks for the input!
  8. Just wondering what people use to record their gameplay videos to use when the information tab is opened? I see a lot of game don't have these videos and would like to start contributing to the cause. Also, any other helpful hints on how to do it properly would be great! P.S. Can I upload these videos to Emumovies or Launchbox database so others can use them? Thanks in advance!
  9. Ok. I will give that a shot. Thanks for your help.
  10. nope. Now even when I goto retroarch and look up SegaCD roms, they don't even show now but they are there. My god this is giving me a headache lol.
  11. A problem just showed up. When I uncheck the box, I figured Sega Cd wouldn't work. Now, Retroarch isn't finding any of my Sega CD games when they are still sitting in the same place as before. What happened?
  12. Ok. That worked. I have Retroarch running multiple systems. I'm using Retroarch for SegaCD also. If I uncheck the box, SegaCD games won't work. How do I set it for different systems?
  13. I'll give it a shot. Thank you so far!
  14. When I load the core in Retroarch and load content, the games play fine. When I try to launch from Launchbox, it doesn't work. Roms are in zip format and under retroarch manage emulators, the checkbox is checked for unzipping. Any help would be appreciated!
  15. That worked! Thank you much!
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