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Posts posted by ThatParrotGuy

  1. 42 minutes ago, DOS76 said:

    Got a bulk renamer I used Bulk Rename Utility to do so for my NDS folders and didn't change the actual names of the roms and then used the checkbox to use folder naming instead of file naming during the import. I chose to do it this way due to the utility being able to see all the folders at once and they were easier to change. if your games aren't in individual subfolder then that isn't a concern as you can just bulk edit the games from their directory. 

    Thanks I'll try this out.


    Seems to be working great, thanks!

  2. On 15/08/2017 at 5:37 AM, lordmonkus said:

    Arrangement settings such as what ? Order can be set using the "Sort Title" entry, it will be alphabetical but use the name in the sort title box.

    Basically if you change the arrangement settings to something like sort by title it will apply to ever single platform, I was wondering if there was a way for example to have different types of arrangement

    for different platforms like arranging Sega Mega Drive by title and SNES by database ID for example.

  3. 11 minutes ago, lordmonkus said:

    You can, right click and edit the playlist. You will see at the bottom of the window a check box to "Include this Playlist in Platforms Lists". Once that is checked you will have a drop down menu to pick the platform category it will show in.

    However you cannot have it show as a sub playlist of a specific Platform. This is something I have been bugging Jason to implement for a while, hopefully he gets to it soon.

    2017-08-14 23_35_18-Edit Playlist.png

    Is there anyway to make arrangement settings unique for each "platform" category or is this not possible at the moment?

  4. 4 minutes ago, lordmonkus said:

    You can, right click and edit the playlist. You will see at the bottom of the window a check box to "Include this Playlist in Platforms Lists". Once that is checked you will have a drop down menu to pick the platform category it will show in.

    However you cannot have it show as a sub playlist of a specific Platform. This is something I have been bugging Jason to implement for a while, hopefully he gets to it soon.

    2017-08-14 23_35_18-Edit Playlist.png

    Thanks, I'll try that out and yeah sub playlists would really help tidy things up.

  5. Ah I think that's the problem, I was using platform as a subtitute for playlist. I understand how to create playlists but is there anyway to get them to show up on the platform side bar with all my consoles?

    I basically just want a list of games consoles with an extra favourites category there too for convinience.

  6. 38 minutes ago, lordmonkus said:

    No problem.

    How do I create copies of existing games in another platform without deleting them in the original platform category? Sorry for so many questions.

  7. 1 minute ago, lordmonkus said:

    It's probably just not showing until you tell a playlist to show in that category. Right click a playlist and edit it, you will see an option in there to show it in a specific platform category.

    Launchbox does this for normal platforms as well, it hides the platforms that have no games imported for it. If you remove all the games from a platform that platform will disappear.

    Didn't consider that, thanks!

  8. 6 minutes ago, lordmonkus said:

    Well you could have started by not importing them or you can use the consolidate tool found in the Tools menu. It will merge all the duplicate roms into a single entry and then you can choose which rom to load when you launch a game.

    Thanks, I remember reading about that feature when it was added but I must have completely forgotten about it somehow before I got a chance to use it.

  9. 3 minutes ago, lordmonkus said:

    Yup, you can create your own categories and put playlists in them to organize further.

    Hmm I created a new "platform" called "favourites" but it hasn't appeared and attempting to recreate it tells me it already exists now.

    Probably something stupidly simple but since I already have your attention would you mind clearing up what's happened?

  10. 1 minute ago, lordmonkus said:

    Those are playlists which you can easily remove by either right clicking and deleting it or close Launchbox and then go to the \Launchbox\Data\Playlists\ folder and deleting the .xml files in there. Load up Launchbox and those playlists should be gone.

    Thanks, just realised I can add extra categorys this way too! Nice to know I can make my favourites more quickly accessible from the platform view which is my default.

  11. I've been using LaunchBox for over a year now and when I started the platform category was a lot simpler, it just showed the

    console categorys e.g. PS2, Mega Drive, SNES etc. however now it feels like it's cluttered up by categorys I'm not really interested in

    at least not for everyday use.

    Is  there anyway to get rid of all those extra categorys e.g. Capcom Classics, Williams Classics etc. ?

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