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chochi_ca's Achievements

8-Bit Processor

8-Bit Processor (3/7)



  1. Hello. I am having a issue with trying to program my iPac. I am using ultimarc. I built my panel all switches tested fine but my "x" and "y" buttons. I even switched the inputs for those buttons on iPac. I assign them as "x" and "y" but soon as I hit the button it changes to "j". Am I supposed to hit the "program" button on screen? When I do that it faults out? Do U gotta switch a jumper on the iPac board to program?
  2. Ok thanx again!
  3. chochi_ca

    Game list help

    My current set up in big box has all games separated by software manufacturers etc sega... capcom sp1.... arcade...Nintendo.... konami and so on. I would like all games under the arcade heading alphabetically. How is this done ?
  4. Ok thanks. Will give it a try
  5. Ok so why do some games work and others don't? Some games start to load then just go back to the front end?
  6. I downloaded direct from Mame site. File size was not that big? Can u direct to where I can get a full set download ?
  7. The only Mame that I have downloaded is 187. So I need to download all prior versions? Wouldn't that take forever ? Looking for simple. I'm barely gettin by with the skills I got. Lol
  8. Marvel va capcom, cadillac vs Dino, xmen vs street fighter are a few that won't work
  9. chochi_ca

    Mame rom help

    Hello. I am trying to set up my games library. A lot of rom games I download will not work. Think it's my romsets? I am running Mame 187. I have downloaded clrmamepro but I am kinda lost. Do I need to download all the older versions of Mame? Or does clrmameprob rebuild it all through the program. Tried YouTube but couldn't find a good vid on this.
  10. That did it! Thanx
  11. I don't have a problem exiting a Mame game. I can get back to the big box front end but will not go into the menu settings.
  12. How can I check if I changed my binds?
  13. I can navigate through bib box with my topside panel. Select games. But escape will not go to menu? I tried clicking the screen
  14. I am unable to get into big box menu settings. I hit the "esc" key on my topside controls or my keyboard. Neither one does anything. It was working fine. Any ideas?
  15. Ok slowly making progress. I have downloaded ultimarc for configuration. I have all my keys working except z and x. I highlight those buttons and hit the buttons I want as "z" and "x" but it just changes them to "enter" both of them ?
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