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  1. I got a notification you quoted me and shared my comments. The real issue is the way you approached me, sounding entitled. You gave a fake compliment, saying "Nice boxes," but then implied that I rename and zip them so people can actually use them. It's like you want everything handed to you on a silver platter. If you had politely asked if they could be renamed, zipped, and added to the download section, and left out the statement about "so people can actually use them," it wouldn't have come off as rude. People create media for their own enjoyment and generously share it with others. It's the sense of entitlement and demanding attitude that discourages people from sharing their work.
  2. Worse thing to do when I provide these on my own time to give a compliment but add a "But" with a negative. That gives me the best motivation to do it for you. I put this in here to see if anyone had interest in the boxart. Many views but no interest or I have no clue if people want these in the download section. "BUT" now I do not care if you can actually use them. Use them or not use them. Maybe people liked your comment so I have no incentive to share in the launchbox community.
  3. ..
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