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Everything posted by JohhnyDamage

  1. I'm unable to get any controller to register in Steam Link with Launchbox. On the PC is fine but not on Launchbox. Also I'm having to remap my coin/start buttons each time. Any advice?
  2. I got a fix. Go into big picture mode, make sure under controller options 'allow desktop configuration in launcher' is checked to off. You have to do this for all non steam applications, otherwise it defaults to your desktop configuration for some annoying reason.
  3. I've searched all day so sorry if I am missing a post. I'm trying to get my Big Box setup to work on my Steam Link. On my PC everything runs flawlessly. The issue is once I connect with the Steam Link I cannot press buttons in games. The emulators all close or crash. Only one emulator works and that is GBA/GBC. The big difference with this is it is the only emulator that when I move the right analog stick my cursor doesn't move. For some reason in every other emulator I move the right stick and the mouse cursor starts moving. In Big Box it doesn't move as well. I also noticed a few of my key binding ind Big Box mode are off. My X and Y are acting like tab or scroll up and down buttons. I'm 99% sure the Steam Link turned my controller into a mouse when its on desktop since I can browse with it. No option or set of options I can find fix it. I've even disabled 'Destop Config". Any help is welcome. Windows 10, Steam Link and Big Box latest build, X Box 360 wired controller.
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