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Everything posted by barrybgb

  1. Ok, I have that file and now it starts. it just stops at the "press a button" screen Now I just need to get a controller to work. What controller can I use to select the options?
  2. I only did that because of the tutorial. every time it launches it wants to upgrade. Should I try the latest version?
  3. I am having the same problem with running colecovision games. I have tried for many days loading, unloading reading many guides with the same results. I am getting close though. Games start to load then a quick dos screen appears and disappears quickly I was able to grab a screen shot. See image. It says: 313 10031-4005 73108a.u2 NOT FOUND (tried in coleco coleco) Fatal error: Required files are missing. the machine cannot be run. What files is it missing? I have the coleco.rom and coleco.zip in the Roms directory with the zipped game files. Since I cannot see the 4 images SpyCat posted (must have been removed), I cannot know where to put the files or how to name them. I am using LaunchBox 4.5 and Mame191b and followed Unbroken Software's tutorial published Jan 13, 2017 Any ideas?
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