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  1. Revisiting this for an update- I tested password changes in an attempt to narrow down which special character/s were causing problems. Unfortunately this caused me to be locked out from logging in through Launchbox again, even when going back to a character safe password. The only way I've been able to get out of this is to switch username back and forth between email address and website ID (in the Launchbox EmuMovies area). This is odd because all of the passwords worked for the EmuMovies website and ftp interface, and those changes appeared to be present in the Launchbox Settings.xml file. For now I'll just say to be careful with how many special characters you use and if you keep getting failed login attempts, switch between your email address and web id. Your password may work for one and not another at seemingly random. Maybe there's a temporary block put onto one ID but not another, and switching over gets rid of it. Hopefully this helps someone in the distant future.
  2. As promised- here's the solution: EmuMovies password system is sensitive to certain *normal* special characters. If you find you can't log into EmuMovies from Launchbox or the Sync application, but you can with FTP and Web, there's a chance your password has a special character the system doesn't like. Hopefully that saves someone some trouble. Thanks sundogak for your time here.
  3. Your comment about FTP vs Web login might be the answer. I tried the EmuMovies Sync application and I'm not able to connect through that as well. My web password also works for the FTP (filezilla), which made me think there was just one login. I submitted a support request at EmuMovies to see if I'm missing some alternate login details and hopefully get a response. Thanks again! Not that anyone cares, but I'll post a reply here once I figure out what is really going on.
  4. Thank you sundogak. It must be an issue with my Launchbox configuration or my EmuMovies account. I've re-entered my password at least a dozen times and am not have a problem logging into EmuMovies or accessing the FTP server. I made a new Launchbox installation and it still didn't work. Then I went and changed my EmuMovies password, logged into it and then into the ftp server and had no problem, but it still doesn't work from inside Launchbox. My next step will be testing it on another computer/network I guess.
  5. Is anyone else having issues with this now? I'm not sure how to confirm its on my end or a problem with the API. I just got an EmuMovies account today and tried to set this up in Launchbox, but the Test connections area in Launchbox options always says "Unable to Login to EmuMovies". Launchbox has been allowed through the firewall and I'm not having any other issues with metadata or the Launchbox Games Database. I'm able to connect to the EmuMovies FTP account without issue and can log into the site as well. Any responses are appreciated.
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