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Posts posted by Kamikaze01


    I use an Intel NUC with Intel Iris Pro Graphics 580 and the digital audio via HDMI to my TV.

    So i think i have my Audio on board... 

    I spend hours of fightin with this issue...
    But keltoigael and Lordmonkus (
    my heros !!!) were right - i changed my audio driver in Retroarch to dsound and TA-TAAA... i have Sound all over !!!! :D
    Directly in Retroarch or if i start via LaunchBox.

    So my Problem is solved by changing the audiodriver settings in Retroarch to dsound !!!

    LaunchBox is not only great because of its comfort and design... it is also great with THIS FAST AND SUPER SUPPORT !!

    Thank you Thank you Thank you !!! 

    • Like 3
  2. Hello again...

    Still fightin with my sound problem :(

    So now i have completly reinstalled my retroarch... but still the same problem.
    Even with the fresh instal of Retroarch!
    And with the backuped cfg files the same... both with no sound if i start via LB.

    Right now there was an update for Launchbox to 7.15.
    But nothing changed (for my problem)

    Only when i do a change in the Audio_frequence (Hz) settings, it will get some sounds :(
    Okay - this costs 5 extra Seconds for this workaround... but everytime i start a game, i have to stop it and do my audiosettings change.

    Maybe someone can post his or her Retroarch.cfg audio settings, so i can copy them and see if i have something wrong?

    I have attached my cfg if someone is interessted in it...


    If i found a solution i will post it ... :|
    thx anyway guys... LB4EVER ^_^


  3. hmm... to change the standard frequency does not help. Everytime i lauch via LB, my games are muted till i change the frequency settings.
    I juse 48000 as the default - and when i start directly via Retroarch that works.
    But when start via LB, i have to go in the settings and change it to eg. 48100 and back again to 48000. Than i can play with sound at 48000 and everythink work finde.

    When i use 48100 as default and start the game via LB and my default 48100, i have no sound anyway.
    I have to do my workaround again...

    I just have to CHANGE the settings. Only then i got my sond... it is not the settings at all.
    It seems that change of the audio settings trigger something so i have my audio back :|O.o

    I will play with the settings and look if i can find a solution for that workaround. But in the end i have to save all my configs from Retroarch and will do a fresh install here.
    Maybe this will help...

    Anyway i am happy to use LB in a way that works for now.... :P

  4. Hey :)

    No Problem Retro808 - thx anyway!!

    @neil9000: Okay - i was thinking the same, that LB just "lauch" the emulators and executes the executable files :$
    Is there a way to start my Retroarch with a specific cfg through LB?
    I am not sure...

    I just import the N64 ROMS, choose Retroarch as my default emulator, download the covers and metadata, and that's all.
    After starting the game via LB, it starts with Retroarch and everything is good... except no audio.


    Just find out, when i go to Retroarch Audio options and short change of the Audio Output Rate (Hz), i have my sound when back in game !!!! yippi yippi yeah...
    I can change it from 48000 to 48100 and immediately back again to 48000... than go back in game with sound !!
    WTF?!? O.o
    After quit my game and start it again via LB, it is muted again.... till i change the Output Rate in any kind (up and down again - or down and up again)...

    Now my question is: how can i bypass this workarouond? o.O

    Anyway I HAVE SOUND VIA LB... so i can put all my roms here and sort my collections with covers and metadata :):)

  5. Hey Retro808 !
    Thank u for the quick reply!!

    Yeah - sure i have checked my retroarch.cfg.
    my audio_mute_enable is set to "false"
    I use my TV as a Monitor and my PC is connected via an HDMI Cable. But i dont think, that this can be an problem.
    Everything else outside LB is working fine with audio :( Do i have to put in some start parameters for my emulator?

    I just tried the other N64 Core from RetroArch (parallel_n64), but with the same issue.... absolutely no sound.
    When i am in the muted N64 game via LB and i switch my controller off and on, i can hear the windows sound for plugging an USB Device, so i think its not an driver problem.

    But i have ablolutely no clue what causes this problem O.o
    In the end i will try to reinstall LB. In my retroarch i have a lot of configs, so i will avoid to reinstall it...

    Anyway Retro88 - thank u for your answer ^_^

  6. Hello guys :)


    I am new to LauchBox and i am really impressed !! It looks so cool. If it works for me, i think about the pro version ;-)

    But i have the same problem as the Threat Starter :-( I can launch my games directly in RetroArch with all sounds.
    When i start them via LauchBox, my games are muted. I just have tryed SNES and N64 Roms.

    I use LauchBox v 7.14 and RetroArch 1.6.7 with the mupen64_plus Core for the N64 Roms and a snes9x core for the SNES Roms.

    Can anyone confirm this problem or help me to fix the missing audio :-)



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