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Posts posted by Mattco

  1. I’ve triple checked that my Mame path file is the correct one. I only have one version of Mame on my computer and I have LB pointing to the correct Mame file. In Mame, both my mouse and lightgun control the mouse cursor.  When I click on a game to open it up, the mouse cursor disappears and my crosshairs show up. I am able to use my lightgun without any issues.

    When I open LB, my lightgun will move the mouse cursor around and it’s the fancy looking one. I can highlight a game with the gun and pull the trigger and it will open the game in Mame without any issues.  When I open a game in LB, the fancy mouse cursor is on the screen and I can move it around with my lightgun, but the crosshairs stay dead center on the screen and won’t move.  The mouse cursor doesn’t get stuck at the edge of the screen or anything  it moves wherever I move the lightgun without any problems.

    If I hit tab and go into my player one controls, everything is setup just as it is if I had opened it directly from Mame, but still won’t move the crosshairs. I’ve tried turning off the crosshairs and just tried using the mouse cursor to shoot at the screen, but all the bullets hit dead center on the screen. I’ve tried hitting tab, opening player one controls and tried to remap the X and Y axis for the lightgun, but they won’t register. I can see the fancy mouse cursor moving across the screen when I try to map the X axis and up and down for the Y axis, but it still won’t register. The trigger and the two side buttons work fine, just can’t get the crosshairs to move.

    I’ve also tried to go into the Aimtrak software and setting the gun to act as a joystick instead of a mouse, when I do that, the crosshairs move in the games I open with LB, but they freeze for a couple seconds once they pass the center of the screen and the games are pretty much unplayable like that. Also, when I exit a game, and put the lightgun in the holster, it acts as if I’m pressing down on the joystick and basically just keeps cycling through all the games until I hold the gun perfectly level at the screen, then it will stop.

    I appricieate the reply back, I just don’t know what else to do. It’s driving me crazy. 

  2. Sorry for the confusion. No, I’m not trying to use the gun to shift through my library. All I am trying to do is use the gun to play shooter games. I am not sure if it’s a Launchbox problem or a Mame problem. If I open up Mame and start a shooter game, the gun works perfectly fine in Mame, but if I start the same game through Launchbox, only the trigger works. I can’t get the crosshairs to move at all. A mouse pointer shows up and I am able to move it around the screen, but the crosshairs won’t move. It only happens when I launch a game through Launchbox. 

  3. I’m having trouble configuring my Aimtrak lightgun to work in Launchbox. I set it up in windows 10 without any problems. I then went into MameUI64 and set it up without any problems. I am able to hit tab, and configure the gun to the controls I want without any issues, but when I launch the game from Launchbox, it’s picking it up as a mouse on the screen. I’ve tried and tried to hit tab, and configure the controls for the gun with no avail. It will configure the trigger and 2 side buttons, but I cannot get the gun to register the X and Y axis. It pops up on my screen as a mouse cursor and I can move it on the screen, but I can’t get it to register to the X and Y axis. Any help would greatly be appreciated. 

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